
BJP如何搞砸了“singhasan”州?这不仅仅是社会工程的问题。 How did BJP muff up ‘singhasan’ state? More to it than social engg 作者: Badri Narayan ‘Because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are’— this insightful line by German poet Bertolt Brecht seems to hold true for Lok Sabha results. In fact, it applies… “因为事情就是这样,事情不会一直这样”——德国诗人贝托尔特·布莱希特的这句洞察力的话似乎对洛桑达结果同样适用。实际上,它适用于…… Because things … Read more


印度人民党是如何搞砸了“singhasan”州的?其中不仅仅是社会工程的问题。 How did BJP muff up ‘singhasan’ state? More to it than social engg 作者: Badri Narayan ‘Because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are’— this insightful line by German poet Bertolt Brecht seems to hold true for Lok Sabha results. In fact, it applies… “因为事情就是这样,事情就不会一直是这样”——德国诗人贝托尔特·布莱希特的这句深刻的话似乎同样适用于印度人民院的结果。实际上,它适用于…… Because things … Read more


更大的开支并非答案。新政府应专注于有效治理。 Bigger spends not the answer. New govt should focus on effective governance instead 作者: Karthik Muralidharan In our 75th year as a sovereign Republic, India has much to celebrate. The recent elections showcased our vibrant democracy, and we are the world’s fastest growing large economy. But, we also face profound challenges… 在我们的第75个作为主权共和国的年份里,印度有很多值得庆祝的。最近的选举展示了我们充满活力的民主,我们是世界上增长最快的大型经济体。但是,我们也面临着深刻的挑战…… In our … Read more


印度快运航空宣布,将从2024年8月起暂停加济阿巴德的欣登机场的运营。 Air India Express announces, then pauses, operations from Ghaziabad’s Hindon Airport effective August 2024 作者: Live from a Lounge Air India Express, earlier this week, announced flights to be launched from Hindon, a secondary airport in Delhi. Now, these are on hold. What gives? The post Air India Express announces, then pauses, operations from … Read more


经济学家预计在莫迪3.0时期将继续进行大刀阔斧的改革。 Economists expect big bang reforms to continue under Modi 3.0 作者: ANI Narendra Modi to be sworn in for third term as India’s Prime Minister in coalition government with key partners Telugu Desam Party and Janata Dal (United). Economists anticipate focus on economic reforms to achieve goal of Vikshit Bharat by 2047. Budget to … Read more

票房:Janhvi-Rajkummar主演的电影《Mr & Mrs Mahi》票房收入已达2.7亿卢比,且仍在增加。

票房:Janhvi-Rajkummar主演的电影《Mr & Mrs Mahi》票房收入已达2.7亿卢比,且仍在增加。 Box Office: Janhvi-Rajkummar’s Mr & Mrs Mahi Is At Rs 27 Crore And Counting 作者: None Mr & Mrs Mahi has crossed the ₹27 crore mark at the box office 《马希夫妇》票房已突破2.7亿卢比。 Image was Instagrammed by Janhvi Kapoor. (Image courtesy: janhvikapoor) New Delhi: Mr & Mrs Mahi has crossed the 27 crore … Read more


智能农业:利用物联网和人工智能实现可持续农业发展。 Smart farming: harnessing IOT and AI for sustainable agriculture 作者: Pranjali Ravindra Kuthe India, a country, whose agriculture, has long been the foundation of the economy, is seeing a dramatic change in the way it farms 印度这个国家,其农业长期以来一直是经济的基础,正在见证其耕作方式的巨大变革。 The global agriculture sector is undergoing a revolutionary change, due to the rapidly expanding population, and environment. … Read more


印度莫迪在选举受挫后被敦促设定“雄心勃勃”的经济议程 India’s Modi urged to set ‘ambitious’ economic agenda after poll humbling 作者: Megha Bahree Unemployment and inflation among the biggest challenges facing Modi’s reduced coalition, analysts say. 分析师表示,失业和通货膨胀是莫迪缩小联合政府面临的最大挑战。 Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) campaigned on Indias sizeable economic expansion in the lead-up to the countrys recent national elections. … Read more


经济学家预计在莫迪3.0时期将继续进行大规模改革。 Economists expect big bang reforms to continue under Modi 3.0 作者: ANI Economists believe that Modi 3.0 will not slow down the reforms and to achieve the goal of Vikshit Bharat by 2047, economic reforms and policy reviews need to be continued across multiple sectors, including infrastructure, labour, and manufacturing 经济学家认为,莫迪3.0不会放慢改革步伐,为了实现到2047年建设繁荣印度的目标,需要在多个领域持续进行经济改革和政策评估,包括基础设施、劳动力和制造业。 Narendra Modi, elected … Read more


精准农业:利用数据驱动技术提升产量。 Precision farming: Boosting yields with data-driven techniques 作者: Dhanashree Mandhani The ongoing shift in weather patterns, limited water resources, and continuous soil degradation impacts yields. As a result, agricultural practices are shifting towards a modern tech-enabled approach, rather than sticking to traditional labour-intensive farmi… 正在发生的气候变化、有限的水资源和持续的土壤退化影响了产量。因此,农业实践正在转向采用现代技术的办法,而不是坚持传统的劳动密集型农业…… The worlds population is projected to grow to 1.5 … Read more