F&O谈 | 随着印度VIX降温,市场可能期待在回调时买入:SBI证券的Sudeep Shah

F&O谈 | 随着印度VIX降温,市场可能期待在回调时买入:SBI证券的Sudeep Shah F&O Talk | Markets may expect buying on dips with cool-off in India VIX: Sudeep Shah of SBI Securities 作者: Nishtha Awasthi ​Bulls returned to Dalal Street with full force on Friday, as the Sensex closed over 1,600 points higher, reaching a new all-time high, while the Nifty 50 advanced over … Read more


审视卡莱尔担保贷款(纳斯达克:CGBD)与格拉西姆工业(场外交易市场:GRSXY) Reviewing Carlyle Secured Lending (NASDAQ:CGBD) & Grasim Industries (OTCMKTS:GRSXY) 作者: MarketBeat News Carlyle Secured Lending (NASDAQ:CGBD – Get Free Report) and Grasim Industries (OTCMKTS:GRSXY – Get Free Report) are both finance companies, but which is the better stock? We will compare the two businesses based on the strength of their profitability, risk, e… 卡尔莱担保贷款(纳斯达克:CGBD … Read more


房地产部门推动税收合理化和降低审批成本,随着莫迪3.0即将宣誓就职。 Real estate sector pushes for tax rationalisation and reduced approval cost as Modi 3.0 set to take oath 作者: ANI With Narendra Modi set to take oath as Prime Minister for the third time, the real estate industry has high expectations from Modi 3.0. The interim budget announced a boost for affordable housing by … Read more


在莫迪3.0时代,印度的故事将保持多大的完整性?以下是我们知道的情况。 How intact will be the India story under Modi 3.0? Here’s what we know 作者: Surabhi The economy seems to be well placed. The election results could mean a slower pace of reforms, but the focus on development is likely to continue 经济似乎处于有利位置。选举结果可能意味着改革步伐放缓,但关注发展有望持续。 Four years after the shock of the Covid-19 pandemic, the economy … Read more


菲律宾因禽流感禁止从澳大利亚进口鸟类。 Philippines bans bird imports from Australia over bird flu 作者: Bloomberg The Philippines has banned imports of birds and poultry products from Australia following recent cases of bird flu in the country. 菲律宾已禁止从澳大利亚进口鸟类和家禽产品,原因是该国近期出现了禽流感病例。 The Philippines has banned imports of birds and poultry products from Australia following recent cases of bird flu in the country. … Read more


光伏出口在过去四年内增加了26.8万个单位;马鲁蒂占据了增量发货量的70%。 PV exports rise by 2.68 lakh units in the last four years; Maruti accounts for 70% of incremental shipments 作者: PTI Passenger vehicle exports from India, rose by 2.68 lakh units in the last four financial years, with Maruti Suzuki India accounting for nearly 70 per cent, of the incremental shipments, during the period … Read more


俄罗斯将通过伊朗向印度出口煤炭。 Russia to export coal to India through Iran 作者: tehrantimes.com You’ve requested a page on a website (www.tehrantimes.com) that is on the Cloudflare network. Cloudflare is currently unable to resolve your requested domain (www.tehrantimes.com). What can I do? If you are a visitor of this website: Please try again in a few… 您请求的页面位于一个网站(www.tehrantimes.com),该网站在Cloudflare网络中。目前Cloudflare无法解析您请求的域名(www.tehrantimes.com)。您可以做什么?如果您是该网站的访问者:请稍后再试…… You’ve … Read more


印度是一个大型航空市场;加强汉莎航空-印度航空的合作伙伴关系是件好事:星空联盟首席执行官。 India a big aviation market; good to have stronger Lufthansa-Air India partnership: Star Alliance CEO 作者: PTI CEO Theo Panagiotoulias highlights the importance of a strong partnership between Air India and Lufthansa within the Star Alliance to offer a unique value proposition for passengers in the Indian aviation market. 首席执行官西奥·帕纳吉奥图利亚斯强调了在星空联盟内,印度航空与汉莎航空之间建立强大合作伙伴关系的重要性,以向印度航空市场的乘客提供独特价值主张。 India is a big … Read more


Akasa航空走在盈利之路;将开通更多国际航班:联合创始人阿迪蒂亚·戈什。 Akasa Air well on path to profitability; will launch more intl flights: Co-Founder Aditya Ghosh 作者: PTI Akasa Air, co-founded by Aditya Ghosh, is progressing towards profitability and expanding its reach to South and Southeast Asia. In under two years, the airline has grown to a fleet of 24 planes with over 4,000 employees. … Read more


挪威邮轮控股有限公司(纽约证券交易所代码:NCLH)获得分析师们的共识建议:“持有”。 Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. (NYSE:NCLH) Given Consensus Recommendation of “Hold” by Analysts 作者: MarketBeat News Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. (NYSE:NCLH – Get Free Report) has been given a consensus recommendation of “Hold” by the fourteen ratings firms that are currently covering the stock, MarketBeat.com reports. One analyst has rated the stock with … Read more