
商务部可能会在即将到来的预算中为初创企业寻求更多资金。 Commerce Ministry may seek more funds for startups in forthcoming Budget 作者: PTI The Commerce and Industry Ministry plans to request additional funds for startups in the upcoming Budget to boost innovation. A new scheme may replace the current seed fund program, set to conclude in 2025. The government aims to support early-stage entrepren… … Read more


商务部长可能会在即将到来的预算中为初创企业寻求更多资金。 Commerce Min may seek more funds for startups in forthcoming Budget 作者: PTI Commerce Ministry considers requesting extra funds for startups in the Budget 2024-25 to support startups in various growth stages with a new scheme similar to the seed fund scheme that provided funding through incubators, in line with the Startup India initi… … Read more


澳航对印度增长持乐观态度。 Qantas bullish on growth in India 作者: Aneesh Phadnis Additional flights to India create a great opportunity for inbound travel to Australia and Qantas is also benefiting from its partnership with IndiGo as it brings in more passenger feed 增加飞往印度的航班为澳大利亚入境旅游创造了巨大机遇,同时,澳航也得益于与IndiGo的合作,因为它带来了更多的乘客流量。 Qantas is bullish about growth in India driven by strong economic fundamentals in the … Read more


印度终端能源消耗到2050年将增长90%:俄罗斯石油公司首席执行官。 India’s end-use energy consumption to grow by 90% by 2050: Rosneft CEO 作者: Rishi Ranjan Kala Oil giant, Rosneft’s CEO, Igor Sechin, stressed that Asian countries, Russia’s trading partners, will account for the highest growth in oil demand with India, accounting for the highest growth rate, by the middle of the century 石油巨头俄罗斯石油公司CEO伊戈尔·谢钦强调,亚洲国家,作为俄罗斯的贸易伙伴,将在本世纪中叶之前占据石油需求最高增长的份额,其中印度增长率最高。 Oil … Read more

Sheela Foam未来3-5年预计有14-15%的复合年增长率:首席执行官Nilesh Mazumdar。

Sheela Foam未来3-5年预计有14-15%的复合年增长率:首席执行官Nilesh Mazumdar。 Sheela Foam sees 14-15 pc CAGR growth in next 3-5 yrs: CEO Nilesh Mazumdar 作者: PTI Sheela Foam, owner of Sleepwell and Kurlon, projects a 14-15% CAGR growth over the next 3-5 years, according to CEO Nilesh Mazumdar. Following its acquisition of Kurlon, Sheela Foam aims to surpass Rs 1,000 crore in … Read more


GX集团预计在未来两年内实现66%的收入增长,达到50亿卢比,并计划将出口翻一番。 GX Group expects 66% revenue growth to Rs 500 crore in 2 years, to double exports 作者: PTI India Business News: NEW DELHI: Telecom gear maker GX Group expects its revenue to grow by 66 per cent to Rs 500 crore by financial year 2026, on account of growth in dome. 印度商业新闻:新德里:电信设备制造商GX集团预计,到2026财年,其收入将增长66%,达到500亿卢比,得益于国内市场的增长。 FD Calculator … Read more

First Trust Advisors LP 减持 First Trust India NIFTY 50 等权重ETF (纳斯达克:NFTY)的股票持仓量。

First Trust Advisors LP 减持 First Trust India NIFTY 50 等权重ETF (纳斯达克:NFTY)的股票持仓量。 First Trust Advisors LP Trims Stock Holdings in First Trust India NIFTY 50 Equal Weight ETF (NASDAQ:NFTY) 作者: MarketBeat News First Trust Advisors LP reduced its holdings in First Trust India NIFTY 50 Equal Weight ETF (NASDAQ:NFTY – Free Report) by 19.4% in … Read more

Sheela Foam预计未来3-5年复合年增长率将达到14-15%:首席执行官Nilesh Mazumdar表示。

Sheela Foam预计未来3-5年复合年增长率将达到14-15%:首席执行官Nilesh Mazumdar表示。 Sheela Foam sees 14-15% CAGR growth in next 3-5 years: CEO Nilesh Mazumdar 作者: PTI Sheela Foam, which owns two leading mattress brands — Sleepwell and Kurlon — expects a double-digit CAGR growth of 14 to 15 per cent in short to mid-term, its CEO Nilesh Mazumdar has said. 希拉泡沫公司拥有两大领先床垫品牌——Sleepwell和Kurlon——其首席执行官尼lesh Mazumdar表示,预计短期内到中期内将实现14至15%的两位数复合年增长率。 Sheela … Read more


年度健康保险续费上涨40-50%是可能的吗? Is a 40-50% hike in annual health insurance premium on renewal possible? 作者: mint Until there’s improved public healthcare or regulations on private hospitals in India, health insurance premiums are likely to continue increasing 直到印度的公共医疗得到改善或对私立医院实施监管,健康保险费用可能会继续上涨。 Unfortunately, theres currently no cap on health insurance premium increases in India. This, indeed, can be a burden, particularly … Read more


RBI的规定只有在应该“不可预测”时才是如此。 RBI regulation is ‘Unpredictable’ only when it should be 作者: mint The Reserve Bank uses a rigorous process before taking hard regulatory calls, engaging in a two-way dialogue with regulated entities (REs). Its rulebook adherence is predictable, but penalties that surprise could act as effective deterrents. 储备银行在采取严格的监管决策之前,会与受监管实体(REs)进行双向对话的严格流程。其对规则手册的遵循是可预测的,但意外的处罚可能起到有效的威慑作用。 The latest salvo from the Reserve Bank … Read more