
在最后阶段确定IDBI投标者:图欣·坎塔·潘迪 In final stage of identifying IDBI bidders: Tuhin Kanta Pandey 作者: Banikinkar Pattanayak In a post-budget interview to ET, Pandey said the government will follow a “calibrated disinvestment strategy” without any specific “big-bang target” and ensure state-run firms, whether they are disinvestment candidates or not, continue to create value for th… 在预算之后接受《经济时报》采访时,潘迪表示政府将采取一种“经过调整的撤资策略”,并没有具体的“大规模目标”,同时确保国有企业,无论是否为撤资候选企业,都能持续创造价值。 New Delhi: … Read more


印英自由贸易协定谈判是我们野心的基础而非上限:英国外交大臣大卫·拉姆齐。 India-UK FTA negotiations floor not ceiling of our ambitions: British Foreign Secretary David Lammy 作者: The Hills Times NEW DELHI, July 24: British Foreign Secretary David Lammy on Wednesday began a two-day visit to India to galvanise negotiations for an ambitious Free Trade Agreement and reset the overall bilateral partnership in crucial areas such … Read more


人工智能面试官现在将为您面试。 The AI Job Interviewer Will See You Now 作者: msmash AI is increasingly being employed in job interviews across China and India, marking a significant shift in recruitment practices in the region. This follows a similar practice making inroads in the U.S. Rest of World adds: A 2023 survey of 1,000 human-resourc… 人工智能在中国和印度的面试中越来越多地被采用,这标志着该地区招聘实践的重大转变。这遵循了美国类似的实践逐渐推广的做法。《世界其他地方》补充报道:2023年对1000名人力资源专业人士的一项调查显示……(注:此处原文似乎不完整,未提供完整的句子以翻译结尾部分。) Up … Read more

“扩展遗产”:Dayal光学董事Sarvesh Kalra谈持续增长和拥抱潮流

“扩展遗产”:Dayal光学董事Sarvesh Kalra谈持续增长和拥抱潮流 ‘Expanding a legacy’: Dayal Opticals director Sarvesh Kalra on sustaining growth and embracing trends 作者: Tarun Mishra Kalra emphasized the company’s focus on service and expansion as key elements in sustaining and growing their legacy. 卡尔拉强调公司专注于服务和扩张是维持和发展其传统的重要元素。 In an insightful conversation with Business Today, Sarvesh Kalra, Director of Dayal Opticals, shared his vision and … Read more


#社交股票:特朗普表态支持TikTok,称其存在竞争 #SocialStocks: Trump comes out in support of TikTok, cites competition 作者: None See the rest of the story here. thefly.com provides the latest financial news as it breaks. Known as a leader in market intelligence, The Fly’s real-time, streaming news feed keeps individual investors, professional money managers, active traders, and corpor… 在此查看故事剩余部分。 thefly.com提供最新的金融新闻,实时更新。作为市场情报领域的领导者,The Fly的实时流新闻源让个人投资者、专业资产管理人士、活跃交易者和公司…… … Read more


睡眠:难以捉摸且昂贵。 Sleep: Elusive and expensive 作者: Rocio Fabbro Insomnia has created a multi-billion dollar market. 失眠已经创造了一个数十亿美元的市场。 Catching Zs After a long day of work, school, travel, or whatever else, the greatest consolation is the prospect of getting cozy in bed, gently shutting our eyes, and drifting off into a deep, restf… [+7115 chars] 捕捉Zs 在漫长的一天工作、学校、旅行或其它任何事情之后,最大的慰藉就是想到能舒服地躺在床上,轻轻闭上眼睛,渐渐地进入深深的、宁静的睡眠……[+7115个字符] … Read more


俄罗斯立法者通过法案,将比特币挖矿和加密货币支付在国际贸易中的使用合法化。 Russian lawmakers pass bill legalizing Bitcoin mining, crypto payments for international trade 作者: Assad Jafri The Russian State Duma passed a bill legalizing Bitcoin mining and allowing the use of crypto for international trade. The bill, which was first introduced a few years ago, is expected to take effect on Sept. 1,  pending final … Read more


一个北极鬼城正在复苏。俄罗斯在搞什么? An Arctic ghost town is stirring back to life. What is Russia up to? 作者: Stephanie March, Matt Davis, Matt Henry Pyramiden was abandoned after the fall of the Soviet Union, but plans for its revival are adding to growing tensions with NATO in the Arctic. 金字塔在苏联解体后被废弃,但其复兴计划正在加剧与北约在北极地区的紧张关系。 Russian provocations on the archipelago of Svalbard … Read more


Myntra扩展至礼品类别,涵盖各领域超过70,000种选择。 Myntra expands into gifting category with over 70k options across sections 作者: Peerzada Abrar The Walmart-owned firm has also expanded into fresh categories, offering 3000 products across cakes, flowers, live plants and gourmet gift hampers 沃尔玛旗下的公司也扩展到了新的品类,提供包括蛋糕、鲜花、活体植物和高档礼品篮在内的3000种产品。 The Walmart-owned firm has also expanded into fresh categories, offering 3000 products across cakes, flowers, live plants and … Read more


服装行业顽固的低技术预测问题 The Apparel Industry’s Stubborn Low-Tech Forecasting Problem 作者: Greg Petro, Contributor, Greg Petro, Contributor https://www.forbes.com/sites/gregpetro/ The apparel industry’s outdated forecasting faces challenges. AI offers solutions, but brands like Burberry struggle. Explore industry issues and potential fixes. 服装行业陈旧的预测方式面临挑战。人工智能提供了解决方案,但像博柏利这样的品牌仍在挣扎。探讨行业问题和潜在的解决方法。 The Apparel Industrys Stubborn Low-Tech Forecasting Problem getty The notoriously inefficient apparel industrys low-tech approach to fashion … Read more