
英国外交大臣戴维·拉米启动了英印技术安全倡议。 British foreign secy David Lammy launches UK-India Tech Security Initiative 作者: Press Trust of India British Foreign Secretary David Lammy on Wednesday announced a new UK-India Technology Security Initiative during his first visit to India, where he met Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other senior leaders in New Delhi. According to the UK’s Foreign, … Read more


2024年预算:需要有大思维和大动作,渐进式方法不够用。 Budget 2024: Need to think big and do big as incremental approach won’t do 作者: Rohit Lamba The government’s lethargic approach of responding to every challenge through a “scheme” is getting tiring 政府对每一项挑战都采取拖沓的“计划”方式回应,这种做法越来越让人疲惫。 The government’s lethargic approach of responding to every challenge through a “scheme” is getting tiring Rohit Lamba Rohit Lamba Finance Minister … Read more


预算规模几乎与临时预算持平,显示了政府对财政审慎的承诺:专家们表示。 Budget size almost unchanged from interim, shows govt’s commitment to fiscal prudence: Experts 作者: PTI The 2024-25 Budget maintains fiscal prudence with Rs 48.20 lakh crore expenditure and Rs 11.11 lakh crore capital outlay, targeting a 4.9% fiscal deficit. Experts commend its focus on employment, education, IBC strengthening, and business ease. MakeMyTrip pra… 2024-25年度预算保持了财政审慎,支出为48.20万亿卢比,资本支出为11.11万亿卢比,目标财政赤字为4.9%。专家称赞其关注就业、教育、加强IBC(印度破产法)和商业便利性。MakeMyTrip…(此处原文似乎不完整) … Read more


印度承诺支持核能、煤炭和抽水蓄能项目。 India Pledges Support for Nuclear, Coal, and Pumped Storage Projects 作者: Darrell Proctor Officials in India said that country’s energy transition plan will focus on developing small modular nuclear reactors (SMRs), pumped energy storage projects,… 印度官员表示,该国的能源转型计划将重点发展小型模块化核反应堆(SMRs)和抽水蓄能项目。 Officials in India said that country’s energy transition plan will focus on developing small modular nuclear reactors (SMRs), … Read more


2024年预算案:财政部长承诺将进一步简化GST,合理化GST税率,提议修改GST法律。 Budget 2024: FM assures further simplification, rationalisation of GST, proposes amendment in GST Law 作者: Shishir Sinha Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman assures further simplification of GST regime, introduces 9 changes in GST law for implementation. 财政部长尼马拉·西塔拉曼承诺将进一步简化商品及服务税制度,推出了9项商品及服务税法律改革以实施。 Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Tuesday assured further simplification and rationalisation of Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime. … Read more

1.28亿注册在PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana计划下获得:部长。

1.28亿注册在PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana计划下获得:部长。 1.28 cr registrations received under PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana: Minister 作者: PTI 1.28 crore registrations for PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana aim for 1 crore rooftops. Launched in February by PM Modi, 15 lakh applications were received. 2.8千万个注册登记目标是为1千万个屋顶,参加“总理阳光家园免电费计划”。该计划由莫迪总理于二月启动,已收到150万个申请。 Over 1.28 crore registrations have been made under … Read more


“稀释,破坏”:沙希·塔鲁尔与杰·潘达在预算中的就业计划上的对决。 “Diluted, Undermined”: Shashi Tharoor vs Jay Panda On Jobs Plan In Budget 作者: None Job creation as the focus of this year’s budget and the Centre’s much publicised spends on infrastructure became the two key issues over which Congress’s Shashi Tharoor and the BJP’s Jay Panda butted heads this evening. 今年预算的重点是创造就业,以及中央政府在基础设施上的大举投资,这两个问题成为了今晚国会议员沙希·塔鲁尔和BJP的贾伊·潘达之间争论的焦点。 New Delhi: Job … Read more


印度在莫迪首次大选后预算中启动240亿美元就业计划 India On $24 Bn Jobs Drive In Modi’s First Post-election Budget 作者: AFP News The funding will be used over five years for a package of five schemes and initiatives to “facilitate employment, skilling and other opportunities” for more than 40 million young people, finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman said in her annual budget speech. … Read more


国防部分获得超过6万亿卢比的最高预算分配,在各部门中居首。 Defence gets highest budgetary allocation of over ₹6 lakh crore among ministries 作者: Dalip Singh The allocation to MoD for FY25 is higher by approximately ₹1 lakh crore (18.43%) over the allocation for FY23 and 4.79 per cent more than allocation of FY24, says the MoD 国防部表示,在FY25财年分配给国防部的预算比FY23财年高出约1000亿卢比(18.43%),比FY24财年的预算高出4.79%。 At a time when global uncertainty continues … Read more


预算将增加教育投入,带领村庄走向繁荣:莫迪。 Budget will scale up education, take villages on path to prosperity: Modi 作者: Archis Mohan Modi spoke of the Budget’s focus on supporting small businesses and MSMEs, which he said were run by the middle classes and provided the maximum job opportunities to the poor 莫迪谈到了预算案对小型企业和中小微企业的支持重点,他表示这些企业由中产阶级经营,并为穷人提供最大的就业机会。 Modi spoke of the Budget’s focus on supporting … Read more