
五年内为城市增加250趟城郊列车服务:铁路部长。 250 more suburban train services for city in 5 yrs: Rly minister 作者: Manthank Mehta Railway minister announces plans to increase suburban train services and long-distance trains in Mumbai over the next five years. Maharashtra allocated record budget for railway projects. Capacity augmentation and terminal stations to improve transportation. 铁路部长宣布未来五年内增加孟买郊区列车服务和长途列车的计划。马哈拉施特拉邦为铁路项目分配了创纪录的预算。提高运力和终端站将改善交通状况。 10 evening snacks made … Read more


扎马托外卖员500卢比孟买贫民窟房间游成为病毒视频。 Zomato Delivery Agent’s Rs 500 Mumbai Slum Room Tour Is Viral 作者: None The video, which garnered over 4.5 million views, showcased the tight living conditions and Mr Borgoyary’s positive spirit, even as he cared for a kitten. 这段视频展示了狭小的居住环境和博格奥里先生积极的精神风貌,即使他在照顾一只小猫时也是如此,该视频获得了超过450万的观看量。 The video also sparked a conversation about Mumbai’s high cost of living. A Zomato delivery … Read more

“摩根大通的 Jahangir Aziz 表示,印度“明显存在问题”,难以找到新的经济增长驱动力。”

“摩根大通的 Jahangir Aziz 表示,印度“明显存在问题”,难以找到新的经济增长驱动力。” India ‘clearly has a problem’ finding new drivers for economic growth, JPMorgan’s Jahangir Aziz says 作者: None India “clearly has a problem” figuring out new drivers for its economic growth even as its economy expands at a fast pace, JPMorgan said. 摩根大通表示,即便印度的经济增长速度很快,但“明显存在一个问题”,即难以找出其经济增长的新动力。 The Imperial Towers twin towers residential skyscrapers and business … Read more


2024年预算:对CCD资本利得税暴增3.5倍震惊直接外资投资者。 Budget 2024: 3.5x surge in capital gains tax on CCDs stuns foreign direct investors 作者: Nehal Chaliawala Apart from gains on unlisted compulsorily convertible debentures, foreign investors also face a higher tax burden on share buybacks. 除了未上市强制可转换债券的收益外,外国投资者在股份回购上也面临更高的税收负担。 Mumbai: Indias latest union budget had a rude shock for foreign investors because their tax liability on … Read more

推进健康:Meyer Vitabiotics在孟买主办营养健康与长寿峰会。

推进健康:Meyer Vitabiotics在孟买主办营养健康与长寿峰会。 Advancing wellness: Meyer Vitabiotics hosts the Nutritional Wellness and Longevity summit in Mumbai 作者: Spotlight Wire India Business News: The Nutritional Wellness and Longevity summit held on 19th July 2024 at ITC Grand Parel Mumbai, brought together leading doctors, nutritionist, dietic. 印度商业新闻:2024年7月19日在孟买ITC大帕雷尔酒店举行的营养健康与长寿峰会,汇聚了领先的医生、营养师和营养专家。 FD Calculator When investing in a fixed deposit, the amount you … Read more


Sensex下跌!这些股票在BSE下跌了5%或更多。 Sensex falls! These stocks are down 5% or more on BSE 作者: ETMarkets.com In the Nifty pack, 19 stocks were trading in the green, while 31 stocks were trading in the red. 在Nifty指数中,19只股票上涨,而31只股票下跌。 NEW DELHI: Several stocks plunged in excess of 5 per cent in Mumbai trading on Wednesday even as equity benchmark BSE … Read more


水线今日开通:以下是关于孟买首条地下地铁的详细信息。 Aqua Line starts today: Details on Mumbai’s 1st underground metro here 作者: Vasudha Mukherjee At a project cost of Rs 37,000 crore, Mumbai’s Aqua Line will be the first underground metro in the city and aims to reduce travel time between Cuffe Parade to the airport from 100 min to 50 min 项目耗资3700亿卢比,孟买的 Aqua … Read more

要求利用RBI渠道维持国家农村信贷基金,声明AINBEA。 (注:AINBEA可能是某个组织或机构的缩写,这里直接按字母翻译。)

要求利用RBI渠道维持国家农村信贷基金,声明AINBEA。 (注:AINBEA可能是某个组织或机构的缩写,这里直接按字母翻译。) Tap RBI channels to sustain National Rural Credit Fund, demands AINBEA 作者: Our Bureau ‘Will facilitate cheaper credit flow to rural farm and non-farm sector through cooperatives, Regional Rural Banks’ 将通过合作社和地区农村银行,促进更便宜的信贷流向农村农业和非农业部门。 All India Nabard Employees Association (AINBEA) has demanded Government of India channelise 8-9 per cent of the income of the Reserve Bank … Read more


L&T第一季度预览:随着中东和国内订单强劲,预计收入将上升。 L&T Q1 preview: Revenue expected to rise with strong Middle East and domestic orders 作者: BL Mumbai Bureau L&T anticipates revenue growth in Q1 FY25 from strong order inflow, with focus on infrastructure, hydrogen, solar, and heavy engineering. L&T预计在25财年第一季度,凭借基础设施、氢能、太阳能和重工业领域的强劲订单流入,实现收入增长。 With strong order inflow from the Middle East and the domestic market, Larsen & Toubro … Read more


以下是巴杰尔项目股票在7月24日上涨10%的原因;点击这里查看详情。 Here’s why Bajel Projects stock rallied 10% on July 24; check details here 作者: SI Reporter The stock price surged after the company announced that it has secured an order worth Rs 586.28 crore. 在公司宣布获得一笔价值586.28亿卢比的订单后,股票价格大幅上涨。 The stock price surged after the company announced that it has secured an order worth Rs 586.28 crore. Representational … Read more