
这是斯里兰卡旅游业的复苏吗?150亿美元的收益似乎表明是这样。 Is This the Comeback of Sri Lanka’s Tourism? A $1.5 Billion Revenue Suggests So 作者: Skift Through a combination of targeted promotions, improved airline services, and strategic visa policies, Sri Lanka is inching closer to its goal of attracting 2.5 million tourists this year. -Peden Doma Bhutia 通过有针对性的促销活动、提升航空服务以及战略性的签证政策,斯里兰卡正逐步接近其今年吸引250万游客的目标。 Sri Lanka’s tourism industry is witnessing … Read more


官方就业数据掩盖了印度的就业问题,经济学家说。 Official employment data masks India’s jobs problem, say economists 作者: Reuters The jump in employment cannot be equated to the creation of formal jobs with regular wages 就业人数的上涨并不能等同于正式带薪岗位的创造。 The jump in employment cannot be equated to the creation of formal jobs with regular wages In the fiscal year that ended in March 2024, employment … Read more


班加罗尔办公室存量预计到2030年将达到3.3亿至3.4亿平方英尺,将成为印度最高。 Bengaluru office stock set to touch 330-340 mn. sq. ft. by 2030, highest in India 作者: Sobia Khan Bengaluru has solidified its position as India’s largest office market, with office space doubling to over 223 million sq. ft. by June 2024. The city is expected to reach 330-340 million sq. ft. by 2030, driven … Read more


安南特·安巴尼的婚礼导致孟买酒店房价飙升,政客寻找安全住宿。 Anant Ambani’s wedding causes Mumbai hotel rates to soar, politicians seek secure accommodations 作者: Radheshyam Jadhav With the State Council elections coinciding with the wedding, parties are facing difficulties in finding secure and luxurious accommodations due to the influx of national and international VIPs 国务院选举与婚礼同时举行,由于国内外贵宾的涌入,各方在寻找安全且豪华的住宿方面面临困难。 As the grand spectacle of Mukesh Ambanis son Anants … Read more


2024年预算预期:工薪纳税人想要的6件事。 Budget 2024 expectations: 6 things salaried taxpayers want 作者: PTI Salaried individuals are looking forward to the Budget 2024 announcements, hoping for positive changes in salary taxation. Here are six key expectations of the salaried class for Budget 2024.(Text Ankur Agrawal, Director, Grant Thornton Bharat LLP and Akhil C… 薪资阶层正期待着2024年预算案的到来,希望薪资税收能有积极的变化。以下是薪资阶层对2024年预算案的六大关键期望。(文本作者:安库尔·阿格拉沃尔,格兰特·桑顿印度有限责任合伙公司董事,以及阿克希尔·C……) Jul 10, 2024, 03:00:01 … Read more


印度房地产私募股权交易略有增长。 Private equity deals in Indian real estate increased marginally 作者: Faizan Haidar Private equity deals in Indian real estate surged in Q1 FY25, mainly due to a significant investment in Reliance Retail’s warehousing assets. The $1.5 billion Reliance-ADIA-KKR deal represented 71% of total PE deals. Despite an overall weak macroeconomic envi… 印度房地产私募股权交易在25财年第一季度激增,这主要得益于对Reliance Retail仓储资产的重大投资。150亿美元的Reliance-ADIA-KKR交易占到了私募股权交易总额的71%。尽管宏观经济环境整体疲弱…… Private … Read more


塔塔星巴克在印度推出其首家地铁门店。 TATA Starbucks introduces its first metro store in India 作者: ET Online TATA Starbucks opened its first store in a metro station at the Western Express Highway metro station in Mumbai. It will offer quick grab-and-go options and dine-in facilities from 8 am to 9 pm daily. CEO Sushant Dash expressed the company’s commitment … Read more


需要在班加罗尔附近建设第二个国际机场;需要4,500英亩土地:卡纳塔克邦部长。 Second international airport needed near Bengaluru; 4,500 acres land required: K’taka minister 作者: PTI Karnataka Minister M B Patil emphasized the need for a second international airport near Bengaluru to handle 100 million passengers annually, requiring 4,500-5,000 acres of land. He plans to consult technical experts and move the proposal to the state cabinet… … Read more


“XUV700价格削减与UP电动汽车政策无关”:马恒达&M马恒达 ‘No link between XUV700 price cuts and UP EV policy’: Mahindra & Mahindra 作者: Nisha Anand The automobile manufacturer said that the announced price cut of XUV700 is a business strategy that was pre-decided in a February meeting 汽车制造商表示,XUV700的宣布降价是在二月会议上预先决定的商业策略。 The automobile manufacturer said that the announced price cut of XUV700 is a business strategy … Read more


班加罗尔的第二座机场将和卡马拉吉·甘地国际机场一样大,帕蒂尔部长说。 Bengaluru’s second airport to be as large as Kempegowda international airport, says minister Patil 作者: ET Bureau Bengaluru is set to get a second international airport that will be as large as the existing Kempegowda International Airport (KIA) and will require about 4500-5000 acres of land, according to Industry & Infrastructure Minister MB Patil. … Read more