
Paytm裁减员工,更多裁员可能跟进。 Paytm trims workforce, more layoffsmay follow 作者: TNN India Business News: MUMBAI: Paytm is pruning its workforce as part of its strategy to check costs and create a leaner organisation. 印度商业新闻:孟买:为了检查成本并创建一个更加精简的组织,Paytm正在裁减其员工队伍。 FD Calculator When investing in a fixed deposit, the amount you deposit earns interest as per the prevailing… Calculate Now 定期存款计算器 在投资定期存款时,您存入的金额将根据当前的……计算利息。 立即计算 … Read more


印度人迷上了10分钟生鲜应用,挤压小型零售商。 Indians get hooked on 10-minute grocery apps, squeezing small retailers 作者: None ( In a middle-class suburb of Mumbai, workers at SoftBank-backed Swiggy’s grocery warehouse race against time to deliver orders within 10 minutes. Their speed is tracked by the seconds on a screen that flashes red warnings for slowness. Ou… 在孟买的一个中产阶级郊区,软银支持的Swiggy公司旗下的杂货仓库工人争分夺秒地在10分钟内完成订单配送。他们的速度由屏幕上的秒表追踪,对于缓慢工作,屏幕会闪烁红色警告。… (注:由于请求中提到“只返回翻译结果”,以上翻译保持了原句的内容,但请求的文本似乎被截断,因此结尾处显示为“Ou…”并未包含完整内容。) * … Read more


反向并购在通往公开市场的快车道上取得进展。 Reverse mergers gain ground on the expressway to public markets 作者: Nehal Chaliawala Industry experts see a growing trend of companies scouring for listed entities admitted for corporate insolvency with intentions of a reverse merger 行业专家注意到,越来越多公司正寻找那些被纳入企业破产程序上市的实体,意图进行反向合并。 MUMBAI : Precision Containeurs Ltd, a publicly listed maker of steel and plastic containers, had been defunct for … Read more


金价下跌10卢比至71,660卢比,银价上涨100卢比至91,800卢比。 Gold price declines Rs 10 to Rs 71,660, silver rises Rs 100 at Rs 91,800 作者: BS Web Team The price of 22-carat gold dipped by Rs 10, with the yellow metal selling at Rs 65,690 22克黄金的价格下跌了10卢比,黄色金属的售价为65,690卢比。 The price of ten grams of 24-carat gold in Mumbai is in line with prices in Kolkata … Read more


Akasa航空联合创始人谈国际扩张和盈利能力——印度报告 Akasa Air Co-Founder On International Expansion and Profitability — India Report 作者: Skift Akasa Air launched in August 2022, and since then, it has expanded its network to 25 cities. The low-cost airline’s expansion plans range from international destinations to smaller Indian cities to enhance connectivity within and outside India. And its busine… Akasa … Read more


班加罗尔和悉尼在全球前40个创业中心中并列第21名;德里第24名。 Bengaluru, Sydney share 21st rank in top 40 global startup hubs; Delhi 24th 作者: Shilpa Phadnis Bengaluru, Delhi, and Mumbai rank in top global startup ecosystems with Sydney, Tokyo, Los Angeles, and Tel Aviv. Silicon Valley leads with $4.4 trillion value. 班加罗尔、德里和孟买与悉尼、东京、洛杉矶和特拉维夫一起,在全球创业生态系统中排名前列。硅谷以4.4万亿美元的价值领先。 Habits of women who are mentally strong, as per psychology 心理强大的女性的习惯,根据心理学研究。 原文链接:The … Read more


菲律宾中央银行希望通胀稳定在目标区间的中点附近,行长表示。 Philippine cbank wants inflation firmly settled near target midpoint, governor says 作者: None ( The Philippine central bank wants inflation firmly settled near the middle of its 2.0%-4.0% target range, its governor said on Tuesday. “We are hawkish, but less than before,” Governor Eli Remolona told the Reuters Global Markets Forum. … 菲律宾中央银行希望通货膨胀率能够稳定在其2.0%-4.0%目标范围的中间位置,该行行长周二表示。 “我们是鹰派,但不像以前那么强硬,”行长Eli … Read more


印度人迷上了10分钟生鲜应用,挤压小零售商。 Indians get hooked on 10-minute grocery apps, squeezing small retailers 作者: Reuters Swiggy warehouses are mushrooming across India to deliver everything from milk and bananas to condoms and roses within minutes – a business model that is reshaping how Indians shop Swiggy的仓库在印度如雨后春笋般涌现,旨在几分钟内配送从牛奶香蕉到避孕套和玫瑰等各种商品——这一商业模式正在重塑印度人的购物方式。 Swiggy warehouses are mushrooming across India to deliver everything from milk and … Read more


比特币跌至一周低点。 Bitcoin drops to one-week low 作者: Reuters MUMBAI – Bitcoin wobbled on Tuesday in a sign of trader nerves ahead of US inflation data and the Federal Reserve’s monetary-policy decision. 孟买 – 在美国通胀数据和美联储货币政策决定公布前,比特币在周二出现波动,显示出交易者的紧张情绪。 MUMBAI – Bitcoin wobbled on Tuesday in a sign of trader nerves ahead of US inflation data and the Federal Reserve’s … Read more


印度人沉迷于10分钟生鲜应用,挤压小零售商。 Indians get hooked on 10-minute grocery apps, squeezing small retailers 作者: Reuters Indians long relied on visits to small neighbourhood outlets for groceries or got free deliveries from them via phone orders, before the rise of e-commerce triggered by Amazon and Walmart’s Flipkart over the past decade 印第安人长期以来依靠访问小型社区商店来购买杂货,或者通过电话订购免费送货,而在亚马逊和沃尔玛的Flipkart在过去十年引发的电子商务兴起之前。 (请注意,这里的“Indians”指的是印度的居民,而不是美洲原住民。) In a middle-class suburb of … Read more