
BPCL与印度奥林匹克协会合作,支持背景卑微的印度运动员。 BPCL tie up with India Olympic Association to support Indian athletes from humble background 作者: TNN MUMBAI: Mumbai : Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL) has entered into a four-year partnership with the Indian Olympic Association (IOA), comme. 孟买:印度巴拉特石油公司(BPCL)与印度奥林匹克协会(IOA)签订了一项为期四年的合作伙伴关系。 Unforgettable train journeys across Indias best landscape 难忘的火车之旅,穿越印度最美的风景。 关键词: 1. BPCL 2. 印度奥林匹克协会 3. 合作 4. … Read more


亚马逊OpenSearch数据摄取增加了对从自管理源摄取数据的支持。 Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion adds support for ingesting data from self-managed sources 作者: aws@amazon.com Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion now allows you to ingest data from self-managed OpenSearch, Elasticsearch and Apache Kafka clusters, eliminating the need to run and manage 3rd party tools like Logstash to migrate your data from self-managed sources into Amazon Op… 亚马逊OpenSearch数据摄取功能现在允许您从自管理的OpenSearch、Elasticsearch和Apache Kafka集群摄取数据,消除了运行和管理如Logstash等第三方工具来将您的数据从自管理资源迁移到亚马逊Op…的需要。 … Read more


如何通过窥视人们的冰箱来致富 How to Get Rich From Peeping Inside People’s Fridges 作者: Nicola Twilley Forget the S&P 500. Look at the ice cream. This investor visits homes around the world to see where diets—and economies—will go next. 忘了标普500吧。看看冰淇淋。这位投资者访问全球各地的家庭,以了解饮食——以及经济——下一步将如何发展。 People make fun of me about the fridges, said Tassos Stassopoulos. I am fridge-obsessed. As the founder and … Read more


马哈拉施特拉政府即将公布孟买大都会区广告牌新政策。 Maharashtra government to unveil new policy for hoardings in Mumbai Metropolitan Region 作者: PTI The Maharashtra government, led by state Minister Uday Samant, will introduce a new policy on hoardings in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region following a recent tragic incident where 17 individuals lost their lives due to a hoarding collapse in Ghatkopar. The … Read more


斯坦利生活方式公司的股价在摩根士丹利收购超过1.6亿卢比股份后飙升9%。 Stanley Lifestyles shares surge 9% after Morgan Stanley picks up over Rs 16 crore stake 作者: Nishtha Awasthi Stanley Lifestyles aims for business doubling in major metros with a steady 20% annual growth rate, steering clear of small town expansions. 斯坦利生活方式公司目标是在主要大都市实现业务翻倍,保持每年20%的稳定增长率,避免小城镇扩张。 Shares of the newly listed Stanley Lifestyles jumped 9% on BSE to its … Read more

WNS被纳入Russell 2000指数,自2024年7月1日起生效。

WNS被纳入Russell 2000指数,自2024年7月1日起生效。 WNS Added to Russell 2000 ® Index Effective July 1, 2024 作者: Investing.com WNS Added to Russell 2000 ® Index Effective July 1, 2024 WNS被纳入Russell 2000®指数,自2024年7月1日起生效。 NEW YORK & LONDON & MUMBAI, India–(BUSINESS WIRE)–WNS (Holdings) Limited (NYSE: WNS (NYSE:WNS)), a leading provider of global digital-led Business Process Management (BPM) solutions, today … [+4448 … Read more


SBI为中小微企业推出在线快速贷款解决方案。 SBI launches online quick loan solution for MSMEs 作者: list.metadata.agency The solution, named ‘MSME Sahaj – End to End Digital Invoice Financing’, has been developed that will provide solutions ranging from applying the loan, documentation and disbursement of the sanctioned loan within 15 minutes, without any manual intervention 该解决方案名为“MSME Sahaj – 端到端数字发票融资”,已开发完成,将提供从申请贷款、文件处理到批准贷款发放全流程的服务,且整个过程在15分钟内完成,无需人工干预。 Mumbai: Lender State … Read more


ICICI普纳鲁保险资产管理公司以31.5亿卢比从卡尔帕塔鲁购买孟买办公大楼。 ICICI Prudential AMC buys office tower from Kalpataru in Mumbai for Rs 315 cr 作者: Kailash Babar ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company has acquired a commercial tower in Santacruz, Mumbai, for over Rs 315 crore from realty developer Kalpataru’s subsidiary Ixora Properties. The tower, built on one-third of an acre, is expected to house … Read more


TVS移动臂收购了意大利汽车零部件供应商。 TVS Mobility arm acquires Italy-based automotive components supplier 作者: PTI TVS Mobility’s subsidiary, SI Air Springs, has acquired Roberto Nuti Group to enhance its global market position and product range. The acquisition will enable them to leverage their distinctive skills and expertise in suspension systems, fostering significan… TVS Mobility的子公司SI空气弹簧公司收购了Roberto Nuti集团,以提升其全球市场地位和产品范围。此次收购将使它们能够利用其在悬挂系统方面的独特技能和专长,促进重大发展……(此处原文似乎不完整,未提供完整句子以便翻译。) Mumbai: TVS Mobility group … Read more


印度将看到更多债券投资者随指数权重上升而转向境内投资。 India to see more bond investors move onshore as index weight rises 作者: Bloomberg The Wall Street firm expects $20-$25 billion of inflows into Indian debt as a result of the index inclusion 华尔街公司预计,由于指数纳入,将有200亿至250亿美元流入印度债务市场。 The Wall Street firm expects $20-$25 billion of inflows into Indian debt as a result of the index inclusion Overseas … Read more