
制药业的生态药丸:可持续包装成为地球的新处方。 Pharma’s eco pill: Sustainable packaging as new prescription for planet 作者: Anjali Singh Merck also revealed that they are investing in renewable energy sources, and half of their Mumbai facility’s energy is now sourced from solar panels 默克公司还透露,他们正在投资可再生能源,目前其孟买设施的能源有一半来自于太阳能板。 Merck also revealed that they are investing in renewable energy sources, and half of their Mumbai … Read more


黄金在从高点下跌5%后,可能会进一步下跌。 After dipping 5% from peak, gold likely to decline further 作者: Subramani Ra Mancombu The yellow metal set to lose its glitter on China pausing gold buys, US strong labour market 黄色金属料将因中国暂停黄金购买、美国强劲的劳动力市场而失去光泽。 After declining about 5 per cent since soaring to a new high of $2,450 a troy ounce (oz) last month, gold prices … Read more


骗子诱使银行经理从钻石公司的账户中转出79.5万卢比。 Fraudster tricks bank manager into transferring Rs 7.95 lakhs from diamond firm’s account 作者: Narayan Namboodiri MUMBAI: A fraudster managed to deceive the branch manager of a private bank in Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC), leading him to transfer Rs7. 孟买:一名骗子成功欺骗了位于班德拉库拉综合区(BKC)一家私营银行的分行经理,导致他转账了7卢比。 Habits of women who are mentally strong, as per psychology 心理强大的女性的习惯,根据心理学研究。 原文链接:The Times of … Read more


塔塔汽车计划到2030年将乘用车市场份额提高4-6%。 Tata Motors eyes 4-6% increase in PV market share by 2030 作者: Shally Mohile The introduction of new nameplates is expected to boost volumes and operating leverage and revenues across PV and EV, bumping up realisations at the portfolio level. It also sees softening of battery prices to drive higher profitability for EVs. 预计新车型号的引入将提升光伏和电动汽车领域的产销量、运营杠杆和收入,提高了投资组合层面的实现率。同时,电池价格的下降也将推动电动汽车实现更高的盈利能力。 … Read more


电池智能公司以3.4亿美元的估值筹集了6500万美元。 Battery Smart raises $65 million at $340-million valuation 作者: ETtech Battery Smart’s funding round included investments from Blume Ventures, British International Investment, and Ecosystem Integrity Fund. These investors have shown increased interest in the company. 电池智能公司的融资轮次获得了来自布卢姆风险投资、英国国际投资和生态系统完整性基金的投资。这些投资者对公司的兴趣日益增加。 Battery-swapping services provider Battery Smart has raised $65 million (Rs 543 crore) at a $340-million (Rs 2,842 crore) … Read more


在向投资者保守的推介中,Afcons表示将专注于高利润率的EPC项目。 In a Conservative Pitch to Investors, Afcons says focus on high-margin EPC projects 作者: Nehal Chaliawala Relying on its expertise in executing technologically complex construction projects has helped the company log a compounded annual growth rate of over 16% for the past several years while maintaining healthy cashflows, Afcons management told Mint in an … Read more


卢比在美国联邦储备声明前创下兑美元的历史新低收盘。 Rupee closes at record low vs dollar ahead of US Fed statement 作者: Bhaskar Dutta Recently released data showing a larger-than-expected jobs addition in the US has dampened hopes of the Federal Reserve lowering interest rates while sharp weakness in the Chinese yuan versus the US dollar over the past couple of days has … Read more


Oracle和谷歌云宣布了一项具有里程碑意义的多云合作伙伴关系。 Oracle and Google Cloud Announce a Groundbreaking Multicloud Partnership 作者: None (marketscreener.com) and then rapidly expand to additional regions worldwide. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and Google Cross-Cloud Interconnect gives customers the ability to deploy workloads across both OCI and Google Cloud regions with no cross-cloud data tra… 随后迅速扩展到全球其他地区。 Oracle云基础设施和谷歌跨云互联让客户能够在OCI和谷歌云区域之间部署工作负载,而无需进行跨云数据传输…… Google Cloud will offer Oracle Cloud … Read more


在马杜赖,健康保险费用比孟买低40%。 ‘In Madurai, health cover to cost 40% less than Mumbai’ 作者: Mayur Shetty Star Health offers differentiated pricing based on customers’ location, with customers in Madurai paying 30-40% less for health insurance products compared to those in Mumbai. The company is exploring new location-specific and network-specific products. Star … 星健康根据客户所在地的不同提供差异化定价,在马杜赖的客户购买健康保险产品比在孟买的客户少支付30-40%。该公司正在探索新的基于地点和网络的特定产品。星…… Habits of women who … Read more


皮尤什·戈亚尔在出口下降和外国直接投资收缩之际担任领导职务。 Piyush Goyal takes charge amid export decline and FDI contraction 作者: Shreya Nandi Piyush Goyal: Over the last decade, Goyal, 59, handled key and diverse portfolios, including power, renewable energy, coal, mines and railways during the first term of National Democratic Alliance (NDA) 皮尤什·戈亚尔:在过去的十年里,59岁的戈亚尔在国家民主联盟(NDA)的第一任期内,负责了关键的多元化部门,包括电力、可再生能源、煤炭、矿业和铁路。 Over the last decade, Goyal, 59, handled key and diverse … Read more