
Sensex下跌!这些股票在孟买证券交易所下跌了5%或更多。 Sensex falls! These stocks are down 5% or more on BSE 作者: In the Nifty pack, 32 stocks were trading in the green, while 18 stocks were trading in the red. 在Nifty指数包中,32只股票交易呈上涨,而18只股票交易呈下跌。 NEW DELHI: Several stocks plunged in excess of 5 per cent in Mumbai trading on Tuesday even as equity benchmark BSE … Read more


国有BPCL计划建立一座价值5000亿卢比的新炼油厂。 State-owned BPCL planning to set up new refinery worth Rs 50,000 crore 作者: Rimjhim Singh The state-run oil marketing company will invest around Rs 50,000 crore in the project and is currently assessing locations in three states – Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, and Gujarat 国有石油营销公司将在这个项目中投资大约5000亿卢比,并且目前正在评估三个州的位置——安德拉邦、北方邦和古吉拉特邦。 The state-run oil marketing company will invest around Rs … Read more


洋葱价格在14天内因巴克里节前的高需求上涨了30-50%。 Onion prices rise 30-50% in 14 days due to high demand ahead of Bakri Eid 作者: Rimjhim Singh Onion Prices: Traders have started hoarding stocks in anticipation that the government may relax its measures to control prices 洋葱价格:商贩们已经开始囤积库存,预期政府可能会放宽其控制价格的措施。 Traders have started hoarding stocks in anticipation that the government may relax its measures to control … Read more


作为服务的老年护理:远程照顾者的万能药。 Eldercare-as-a-service: A panacea for remote caregivers 作者: Shipra Singh Several elder and geriatric care services provide all-inclusive packages for kins living away from their parents in other cities or countries. But peace of mind comes at a premium 几家老年和老年护理服务为在其他城市或国家的父母身边的亲属提供一站式套餐。但安心是需要付出代价的。 Devna Kumar was packed and ready to fly to Sydney when the unforeseen happened. Her … Read more


Leela酒店IPO瞄准250亿估值,预计9个月内上市:报告 Leela Hotels IPO Eyes $2.5 Billion Valuation, Listing Likely in 9 Months: Report 作者: Peden Doma Bhutia, Skift With India’s travel and hospitality industry thriving, it’s the perfect moment for Leela to go public. The buzz around IPOs is definitely heating up, and more companies are feeling confident to jump into the market and … Read more


FIDC敦促印度储备银行放宽基础设施拨备的草案指南。 FIDC urges RBI to relax draft guidelines on infrastructure provisioning 作者: Shilpy Sinha The Finance Industry Development Council (FIDC) has urged the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to reconsider and clarify certain proposals in its recent draft circular on infrastructure provisioning, arguing for more flexibility to support the infrastructure secto… 金融产业发展理事会(FIDC)已敦促印度储备银行(RBI)重新考虑并明确其最近关于基础设施拨备的草案通知中的一些提议,主张提供更多灵活性以支持基础设施领域。 Mumbai: The Finance … Read more


塔塔汽车在2024财年实现净债务为零;股价从低点反弹2.5%。 Tata Motors turns net debt free in FY24; shares recover 2.5% from lows 作者: Tanmay Tiwary The presentation also highlighted that Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) is on course to achieve net debt-free status in the financial year 2025 (FY25) 报告还强调,捷豹路虎(JLR)有望在2025财年(FY25)实现净债务为零的状态。 The presentation also highlighted that Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) is on course to achieve … Read more


印度公司在选举结果不稳定的周增加了外汇对冲。 Indian firms ramped up forex hedging in volatile election-results week 作者: None ( The Indian rupee’s choppy trading last week in the wake of the national election results prompted importers and exporters to hedge a larger portion of their foreign exchange book in the forwards market, data showed. Importers bought fore… (market 印度卢比在上周全国大选结果公布后交易波动,数据显示,这促使进出口商在远期市场上对更大比例的外汇账目进行对冲。 … Read more


霍尔ani集团为专注于中小企业的基金筹集了18.4亿卢比。 Holani Group raises ₹ 184 Crores for SME Focused Fund 作者: None •Holani Venture Capital Fund to capitalize on investment opportunities within the SME sector. •好莱尼风险投资基金致力于把握中小企业领域的投资机会。 Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], June 3: Holani Venture Capital Fund, a 300 crores SME focused fund launched on Apr 27th, 2024, at Jaipur and promoted by a renowned name … Read more


印度央行应审查提高基础设施贷款拨备计划的决策,游说团体表示。 India cenbank should review plan to raise provisions against infra loans, lobby group says 作者: None ( The lobby group for Indian non-banking lenders on Tuesday asked for a review of a recent proposal from the central bank calling for an increase in the provisions that lenders have to set aside against infrastructure project … Read more