
金价上涨10卢比至72,160卢比,银价下跌100卢比至89,900卢比。 Gold price rises Rs 10 to Rs 72,160, silver slips Rs 100 to Rs 89,900 作者: BS Web Team In Delhi, Bengaluru, and Chennai, the price of ten grams of 22-carat gold stood at Rs 66,310, Rs 66,160, and Rs 66,670, respectively 在德里、班加罗尔和金奈,10克22克拉黄金的价格分别为66,310卢比、66,160卢比和66,670卢比。 In Mumbai, the price of ten grams of 22-carat gold is … Read more

WeWork印度任命Janak Malkani推动托管办公业务的扩张。

WeWork印度任命Janak Malkani推动托管办公业务的扩张。 WeWork India appoints Janak Malkani to drive expansion in managed office business 作者: Sobia Khan WeWork India has appointed Janak Malkani as the head of managed office and sales for the West region. Malkani’s extensive real estate experience will enhance WeWork India’s managed office offerings, with a focus on innovative and efficient workspace … Read more


新常态:有机食品领域的五大转变 The new normal: 5 key transformations in organic food sector 作者: Satyajit Shivajirao Hange It is transforming the entire food sector, with the ₹131.41 billion organic food sector projected to become an ₹625.69 billion market by 2028 它正在改变整个食品行业,预计到2028年,有机食品领域将从1314.1亿卢比增长为一个6256.9亿卢比的市场。 Post-pandemic there has been a massive inclination towards clean and healthy eating as more individuals have … Read more


苹果租赁新办公大楼,在班加罗尔建立重要据点。 Apple to establish major presence in Bengaluru with new office tower lease 作者: Nandini Singh The deal, part of Embassy’s redevelopment of a prime 2.3-acre site slated to become Apple’s second-largest Bengaluru facility by 2025, includes lease rates increasing by 15% every three years 这项交易是大使馆集团重新开发一个优质2.3英亩地块的一部分,该地块预计到2025年将成为苹果在班加罗尔的第二大设施,其中包括租赁费每三年增加15%。 The deal, part of Embassy’s redevelopment of a prime … Read more


三井OSK航线的Daibiru公司进入印度房地产领域,在德里的Atrium项目中投资1235万美元。 Mitsui O.S.K Lines’ Daibiru Corporation enters India’s real estate sector, invests $123.5 mn in Delhi’s Atrium project 作者: T E Raja Simhan This venture marks Daibiru’s entry into India’s real estate market, with plans for further investments in cities like Mumbai and Bengaluru 这项投资标志着大滨海正式进入印度房地产市场,并计划在未来向孟买和班加罗尔等城市进行更多投资。 Japanese shipping major Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltds group company, Daibiru … Read more


孟买房地产市场再创新高,录得有史以来最佳六月业绩。 Mumbai property market sets yet another benchmark, records best-ever June 作者: Kailash Babar Mumbai, India’s largest and priciest property market, has achieved a new milestone by recording its highest-ever property registrations for the month of June. In June, the city saw 11,538 property registrations, marking a 12% increase from the previous year. … 孟买,印度最大且房价最高的房地产市场,在六月份创下了历史最高的房地产登记记录,实现了新的里程碑。六月份,该市共有11,538宗房地产登记,比去年同期增长了12%。… … Read more


6个主要金融截止日期,规则将于2024年7月更改:信用卡、Paytm钱包、所得税申报截止日期。 6 major financial deadlines, rules change in July 2024: Credit cards, Paytm wallets, ITR deadline 作者: Livemint Important dates included Paytm wallets with no transactions for over a year will close on July 20; SBI Card rule changes on July 1; ICICI Bank revises charges from July 1; ITR deadline on July 31; PNB … Read more


诺伊达电影城将创造5万个就业岗位,间接惠及数百万人:UP政府。 Noida Film City to create 50,000 jobs, benefit millions indirectly: UP govt 作者: Press Trust of India The construction on the Noida International Film City project is expected to start within six months and it will create 50,000 jobs while benefitting up to seven lakh people indirectly, the Uttar Pradesh government said on Friday. … Read more


人工智能、第三方技术可能会加剧网络攻击的风险。 AI, 3rd-party tech likely to intensify risks of cyberattacks 作者: ET Bureau A major cyber incident in these IT service providers may in turn impact multiple regulated entities simultaneously, causing a cyberattack on a system-wide level. “In the recent past, multiple incidents involving payment and settlement systems have led to sign… 这些IT服务供应商发生重大网络安全事件可能会反过来同时影响多个受监管实体,造成对整个系统层面的网络攻击。”在最近过去的时间里,涉及支付和结算系统的多起事件已导致显著… Mumbai: The … Read more


奥尼尔梦想用孟加拉语拍摄电影,但对资金问题不太确定。 Onir dreams to make film in Bengali but not sure about finances 作者: The Hills Times Kolkata, June 27: Celebrated film-maker Onir, who hails from Kolkata before carving his niche in Mumbai nearly two decades ago, is hopeful of making a movie in Bengali one day. However, the National Award winning director said, the … Read more