
Sensex下跌!这些股票在周五的交易中跌幅超过5%。 Sensex falls! These stocks fell 5% or more in Friday’s session 作者: In the Nifty pack, 25 stocks closed in the green, while 25 stocks ended in the red. 在Nifty指数包中,25只股票收盘上涨,而25只股票收盘下跌。 NEW DELHI: Several stocks plunged in excess of 5 per cent in Mumbai trading on Friday even as equity benchmark BSE Sensex traded … Read more


阿米特巴·巴赫chan在孟买布尔瓦利郊区购买了两套豪华公寓。 Amitabh Bachchan buys two luxury apartments in Mumbai’s Borivali suburb 作者: Kailash Babar The deal comes immediately after the veteran actor recently purchased three more office properties spread across three floors in a commercial project in Oshiwara locality of Mumbai’s western suburb of Andheri. Bachchan purchased apartments in Borivali worth n… 该交易紧接着这位资深演员最近在孟买西部郊区的安德里地区奥希瓦拉购买了一个商业项目中的三层共三个办公物业之后。巴赫chan在博里瓦利购买的公寓价值… Bollywood actor … Read more


塔塔钢铁英国公司对工会发起法律行动,担忧工厂关闭。 Tata Steel UK begins legal action against union, fears plant closure 作者: Press Trust of India Tata Steel on Friday said it is being forced to commence legal action to challenge the validity of a steelworkers’ union strike ballot, as it warned that its blast furnaces at Port Talbot may have to pause operations … Read more


塔塔集团威胁在罢工前提前关闭钢铁厂。 Tata threatens to shut steelworks early ahead of strike 作者: AFP Tata Steel UK has threatened to close its two blast furnaces in Port Talbot in south Wales earlier than planned due to an upcoming strike, sparking concern among politicians before next week’s general election. “The Unite campaign is… about securing the lon… 塔塔钢铁英国公司因即将到来的罢工,威胁要提前关闭其在南威尔士波特塔尔伯特的两座高炉,这引发了下周大选前政治人物的关注。”团结工会的运动是…关于确保长期稳定…” … Read more


马哈拉施特拉邦预算:将继续为牛奶生产者提供补贴,同意设立18所医学院校。 Maharashtra budget: Subsidy for milk producers to continue, nod for 18 medical colleges 作者: ET Online Finance Minister Ajit Pawar presented Maharashtra’s budget for 2024-25, highlighting key initiatives including the extension of a Rs 5 per litre subsidy for milk producers and plans to establish 18 new medical colleges. This budget, the last before … Read more


孟买汽油和柴油税削减,阿吉特·帕瓦尔在马哈拉施特拉邦预算中宣布。 Mumbai petrol and diesel tax slashed, Ajit Pawar announces in Maharashtra budget 作者: ET Online Maharashtra’s Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar announced tax reductions on petrol and diesel in Mumbai, lowering diesel prices by 2 rupees per litre and petrol by 65 paise per litre. The state budget also includes provisions such as free … Read more


汇丰银行利用元宇宙吸引印度富有侨民的业务。 HSBC taps metaverse to win business from India’s rich diaspora 作者: Bloomberg HSBC expands offerings for India’s affluent diaspora through a virtual bank in GIFT City, leveraging the metaverse. The bank aims to capture a share of the $112.5 billion remittances to India from non-residents. With the hiring of a UBS executive, HSBC eyes … Read more


薄荷解说:欧盟延迟制裁如何给印度钻石产业带来缓解。 Mint Explainer: How deferred EU sanctions bring relief to the Indian diamond industry 作者: Krishna Yadav This extension allows industry stakeholders additional time to implement a comprehensive traceability scheme for imported rough and polished natural diamonds. 这个延期让行业利益相关者有额外的时间来实施对进口毛坯和抛光天然钻石的全面可追溯体系。 The decision by the European Union on 24 June to defer its stricter sanctions on the import … Read more


比旺迪的纺织业对联邦预算寄予厚望,因为它正努力争取生存。 Bhiwandi’s textile industry places high hopes on the Union Budget as it fights for survival 作者: PTI Nirmala Sitharaman will soon present the final Budget for FY ‘25, that is going to set the tone for the priorities of the NDA government. The textile hub of Bhiwandi, located near Mumbai, home to a large … Read more

BPCL子公司获得NCLT批准接管Videocon Oil

BPCL子公司获得NCLT批准接管Videocon Oil BPCL subsidiary gets NCLT nod to take over Videocon Oil 作者: Joel Rebello Bharat PetroResources secured the acquisition of Videocon Oil Ventures by matching offers and paying upfront, resulting in minimal creditor recovery. The resolution professional managed claims totaling ₹30,640 crore from financial creditors. 印度石油资源公司通过匹配报价并预付款项,成功收购了维迪康石油风险投资公司,使得债权人回收资金最小化。负责清算的专业人员管理了来自金融债权人的总计30,640亿卢比的索赔。 Mumbai: A Mumbai bankruptcy court has approved a … Read more