
塔塔汽车积极考虑将其电动汽车推向全球:董事总经理沙伊莱什·钱德拉 Tata Motors Actively Looking At Taking Its Electric Cars Global: MD Shailesh Chandra 作者: None Shailesh Chandra is hopeful of Tata Motors finalising an international strategy over the next few months, following which it would be put up for board approval. 沙伊莱什·钱德拉对塔塔汽车公司在未来几个月内敲定一项国际战略表示乐观,之后该战略将提交董事会批准。 Tata planning to push its EVs at a global level Tata Motors … Read more


印度允许以优惠关税有限进口玉米、植物油脂。 India permits limited imports of corn, vegetable oils at concessional duty 作者: Rimjhim Singh India has set import limits at 150,000 metric tonnes for sunflower or safflower oil, 500,000 tonnes for corn, 10,000 tonnes for milk powder, and 150,000 tonnes for refined rapeseed oil 印度已将对向日葵油或红花油的进口限制设在15万吨,玉米为50万吨,奶粉为1万吨,精炼菜籽油为15万吨。 India has set import limits at 150,000 metric tonnes … Read more


视频商务获得牵引力,人们在购物上花费了200万小时:Flipkart。 Video commerce gains traction, people spent 2 mn hours shopping: Flipkart 作者: Press Trust of India Homegrown e-commerce platform Flipkart on Thursday said video as a format is rapidly gaining adoption and Indian customers have spent over 2 million hours on its video commerce offerings in the past one year. 本土电子商务平台Flipkart周四表示,视频作为一种格式正在迅速被采纳,印度消费者在过去一年中在其视频商务服务上花费了超过200万小时。 India is one … Read more


品牌抓住快速商务广告,随着业务增长。 Brands latch on to quick commerce advertising as business grows 作者: Suneera Tandon, Sowmya Ramasubramanian Ad revenue could become an important income stream for quick commerce platforms as they sell newer categories 广告收入可能成为快速商务平台的重要收入来源,因为它们销售更多新品类。 Mumbai/Bengaluru: Quick commerce platforms are becoming a battleground for consumer goods companies to advertise everything they sell – from chips to … Read more


印度航空将从9月1日起在德里-伦敦航线上部署A350飞机。 Air India to deploy A350 planes on Delhi-London route starting September 1 作者: Press Trust of India Air India will start operating its wide-body A350-900 aircraft on the Delhi-London route with two daily flights from September 1. The flights will mark the introduction of the plane on the international long-haul route, as Air India … Read more


消费者支出在印度非都市城市达到高峰:维萨。 Consumer spending peaks in non-metro Indian cities: Visa 作者: Saloni Shukla Visa, a global digital payments provider, revealed on Thursday that non-metro cities in India such as Dharamshala, Mullanpur, and Vishakapatnam are emerging as the biggest daily spenders. This insight comes from Visa Consulting and Analytics’ consumer spendin… visa信用卡公司周四透露,印度非大都市城市,如达兰萨拉、穆兰普尔和维沙卡帕特南,正在成为最大的日常消费者。这一洞察来自visa咨询与数据分析公司的消费者支出…… Visa, the global digital payments … Read more


印度医疗技术刚刚步入成熟期,已怀有全球抱负。 Indian medtech’s just coming of age, and already has global ambitions 作者: Dipti Sharma, Ranjani Raghavan Investors are flocking to India’s growing medtech sector, driven by the country’s low-cost manufacturing advantage..The domestic medtech industry is projected to reach $50 billion by 2030. But for now, it only accounts for 1.5% of the global market. … Read more


为何塔卡尔政府没有就回收的孟买土地不建设给出保证,谢拉尔发问。 Why Thackeray govt did not give no-construction assurance about reclaimed Mumbai land, asks Shelar 作者: PTI BJP leader Ashish Shelar has called for an investigation into the previous Uddhav Thackeray government’s alleged failure to provide a written assurance that no construction would occur on 180 acres of excess land reclaimed during the Mumbai Coastal … Read more


日元在触及38年低点后上涨,交易员关注干预情况。 Yen gains after hitting 38-year low, traders on intervention watch 作者: AFP The yen edged back slightly Thursday after hitting a 38-year low against the dollar, putting investors on alert for a possible intervention by Japanese authorities, while investors awaited US inflation data that could spark another round of volatility. The Ja… 日元在周四小幅回升,此前触及38年来对美元的最低点,这使投资者警惕日本当局可能进行干预,同时投资者也在等待可能引发另一轮波动的美国通胀数据。日本……(此处原文似乎不完整) Japan’s … Read more


房地产经纪人扩大投资组合,在FY25强劲需求的推动下增加投资。 Realtors expand portfolios, boost investments on strong demand in FY25 作者: Aneeka Chatterjee Prestige Group has announced a robust launch pipeline for FY25 with residential developments valued at about Rs 60,000 crore 普雷斯蒂集团宣布了截至FY25强劲的新项目推出计划,其中包括价值约6000亿卢比的住宅开发项目。 Prestige Group has announced a robust launch pipeline for FY25 with residential developments valued at about Rs 60,000 crore Representative Picture … Read more