
科技初创企业在2023年激增至30,000家:经济调查。 Tech startups spike to 30,000 in 2023: Economic Survey 作者: ETtech India’s tech startup landscape underwent a dramatic change after the Covid-19 pandemic, the Economic Survey revealed. This and more in today’s ETtech Top 5. 印度的科技初创企业格局在新冠疫情大流行后经历了戏剧性的变化,经济调查报告揭示了这一点。今日ETtech Top 5还有更多内容。 Indias tech startup landscape underwent a dramatic change after the Covid-19 pandemic, the Economic Survey revealed. … Read more


这位沃伦·巴菲特的信徒有90%的投资仅在这3只股票上 This Warren Buffett Disciple Has 90% Invested in Just These 3 Stocks 作者: investorplace.com Mohnish Pabrai might not be a household name but he is a value investor very similar to Warren Buffett. One of his famous quotes about how to approach investing and which stocks to buy is “Heads I win, tails I … Read more


铁路资本支出五年内增长了77%。 Capital expenditure on Railways increased by 77 pc over 5 years: Economic Survey 作者: PTI Highlighting the initiatives taken by the Railway Ministry for the enhancement of operations and services, the survey mentioned Amrit Bharat Station Scheme, Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail (MAHSR) project and Dedicated Freight Corridors (DFCs) with the progr… 强调铁路部为提升运营和服务所采取的举措,调查提到了“甘露印度站计划”,孟买-艾哈迈达巴德高速铁路(MAHSR)项目以及专用货运走廊(DFCs)等项目。 New Delhi: … Read more

Mangaluru 国际机场第一季度旅客吞吐量增长21%。

Mangaluru 国际机场第一季度旅客吞吐量增长21%。 Mangaluru International Airport records 21% growth in passenger handling in Q1 作者: BL Mangaluru Bureau The airport handled 5,52,689 passengers during April-June of 2024-25, against 4,57,859 passengers in the corresponding period of the previous fiscal 该机场在2024-25财年四月至六月期间处理了552,689名乘客,而去年同期为457,859名乘客。 Mangaluru International Airport, managed by Adani Airport Holdings Ltd (AAHL), recorded a 21 per cent growth in … Read more


亚洲市场下跌,因为拜登退出了白宫竞选。 Asian markets drop as Biden drops out of White House race 作者: AFP Asian markets fell Monday as Joe Biden’s decision to drop out of the US presidential race fuelled fresh uncertainty, while traders appeared unmoved by… 亚洲市场周一下跌,因为乔·拜登决定退出美国总统竞选引发了新的不确定性,而交易员似乎对……不为所动。 Joe Biden gave his backing to Vice President Kamala Harris after announcing his decision to drop … Read more


凯德印度信托以67.6亿卢比购买纳维孟买办公楼。 CapitaLand India Trust buys office building in Navi Mumbai for ₹676 crore 作者: BL Mumbai Bureau With the acquisition of Building Q2, CapitaLand India Trust’s entire portfolio has increased about 4 per cent to reach 2.2 crore sq ft 随着建筑Q2的收购,凯德印度信托的整体投资组合增加了约4%,达到2.2千万平方英尺。 CapitaLand India Trust (CLINT) has acquired a 8.2-lakh-sq-ft multi-tenanted IT non-SEZ office building at … Read more

旅游业、酒店业很好地定位以从经济基础设施投资中受益:普尼特·查特瓦尔,印度酒店公司 limited IHCL

旅游业、酒店业很好地定位以从经济基础设施投资中受益:普尼特·查特瓦尔,印度酒店公司 limited IHCL Tourism, hospitality well positioned to benefit from infra spend in economy: Puneet Chhatwal, IHCL 作者: ET Now ​So, all in all that gives us a lot of confidence and listening to the previous speaker on your on your channel the infrastructure spend that is happening in the economy and as India moves … Read more


如何为孩子教育储蓄 How to save for your child’s education 作者: ET CONTRIBUTORS The high demand for private education, paired with the limited supply of quality schools, has driven costs up. Schools have increased fees to offer better facilities and services. Besides, education costs now include other expenses, such as private coaching, … 私立教育的高需求与优质学校的有限供应相结合,导致了成本上升。学校提高了学费以提供更好的设施和服务。此外,教育成本现在还包括其他开销,比如私人辅导…… Education is increasingly … Read more


孟买降雨:印度航空为部分取消的航班提供全额退款。 Mumbai rains: Air India offers full refund as some flights get cancelled 作者: ANI Air India is offering full refunds or a one-time complimentary rescheduling for bookings confirmed for travel. The airline also shared a link and asked the people to check the flight status 印度航空为已确认的旅行预订提供全额退款或一次性的免费改签服务。航空公司还分享了链接,并要求人们检查航班状态。 Air India is offering full refunds or a … Read more


奥博伊地产股票因强劲的2025财年第一季度表现上涨7%;利润激增82%。 Oberoi Realty stock rallies 7% on strong Q1FY25 show; profit zooms 82% 作者: SI Reporter The surge in stock price came after the Mumbai-based company’s profit rose nearly 82 per cent year-on-year (Y-o-Y) to Rs 584.5 crore in the June quarter of financial year 2025 (Q1FY25). 股票价格的飙升是在这家总部位于孟买的公司2025财年第一季度(Q1FY25)的利润同比增长近82%,达到584.5亿卢比之后发生的。 Noida ranks as the worst city for … Read more