
为何印度人对饺子狂热不已? Why Indians are mad for momos 作者: Al Jazeera These savoury and spicy dumplings are a street food favourite. Just don’t forget the chutney. 这些鲜香辣味的小笼包是街头美食的首选。只是别忘了搭配酸辣酱。 Delhi, India Sonakshi Verma, a college student, pushes her way to order a plate of momos from a corner shop on a busy market street in Delhi. The noisy … Read more


“利率驱动的存款增长不是我们战略的一部分,”HDFC银行首席财务官表示。 Rate-driven deposit accretion not part of our strategy, says HDFC Bank CFO 作者: Anshika Kayastha The bank will continue to focus on organic and granular deposit mobilisation via its branch network, chief financial officer Srinivasan Vaidyanathan said. 银行首席财务官Srinivasan Vaidyanathan表示,银行将继续通过其分行网络专注于有机和细粒度的存款动员。 Mumbai: Offering higher rates on certain high-value deposits to increase the pace of deposit accretion … Read more


关键对比:HDFC银行(纽约证券交易所:HDB)与智利伊塔乌银行(纳斯达克:ITCLY) Critical Contrast: HDFC Bank (NYSE:HDB) versus Banco Itau Chile Spon (NASDAQ:ITCLY) 作者: MarketBeat News HDFC Bank (NYSE:HDB – Get Free Report) and Banco Itau Chile Spon (NASDAQ:ITCLY – Get Free Report) are both finance companies, but which is the better business? We will contrast the two businesses based on the strength of their valuation, … Read more


土地交易量在4-6月下降57%,至325英亩,原因是高价格:安纳洛克。 Land deals drop 57% to 325 acres in Apr-Jun on high prices: Anarock 作者: Press Trust of India Land acquisitions remained muted during April-June, and only 25 deals covering 325 acres were closed during this period, mainly due to high prices and general elections, according to Anarock. In contrast, there were 29 land deals … Read more


零售疗法:探究L&T金融业务转变之内幕。 Retail therapy: Inside the business shift at L&T Finance 作者: Shayan Ghosh Despite being in business for three decades, L&T Finance is still playing catch-up. Mahindra Finance, for instance, is well ahead in assets under management. Bajaj Finance is even bigger. Can Sudipta Roy, L&T Finance’s new CEO, put the NBFC on a high-… … Read more


印度必须遏制钢材倾销,重新审视与东盟的自由贸易协定,JSW钢铁公司的阿查里雅说。 India must curb steel dumping, revisit Asean FTA, say JSW Steel’s Acharya 作者: Nehal Chaliawala Steelmakers in India are investing significant capital to increase their local manufacturing capacity, betting on demand growth fuelled by New Delhi’s massive infrastructure development. These companies are seeking a curb on steel imports to protect their inv… 印度钢铁制造商正在投入大量资金以增加本地生产能力,赌注是随着新德里大规模基础设施建设推动的需求增长。这些公司正在寻求限制钢铁进口以保护其投资…… Mumbai: … Read more


安巴尼婚礼如何引发全球关注与经济发展:追溯那场难忘的爱情、文化与团结的庆典,它将被铭记多年。 How the Ambani wedding sparked global interest and economic development: Tracing the memorable celebration of love, culture, and unity, that will be remembered for years 作者: ET Special Radhika and Anant Ambani’s wedding fused tradition and elegance. Featuring Justin Bieber and attended by PM Modi, former UK PMs and John Cena, it included traditional … Read more


瞄准仲裁和破产解决案件的诉讼融资初创公司。 Litigation funding startups eyeing arbitration and insolvency resolution cases 作者: Maulik Vyas A total of 7,567 companies across sectors were brought into administration until March end, according to the latest data from the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India. As per the National Judicial Data Grid, more than 45 million cases are pending in … Read more

在新德里的一家书店解释其 top 100 书单为何,嗯,并非《纽约时报》的。

在新德里的一家书店解释其 top 100 书单为何,嗯,并非《纽约时报》的。 A Bookshop In New Delhi Explains Why Its Top 100 List Is, Well, Not The NYT 作者: Scroll (India) “If a list so devoid of representation from small presses, working class writers, genre-fiction, and poetry is aggregated with contributions from ‘hundreds of novelists, nonfiction writers, academics, book editors, journalists, critics, publishers, … Read more

上升的进口可能对本地钢铁制造商构成挑战:JSW钢铁公司首席执行官Jayant Acharya。

上升的进口可能对本地钢铁制造商构成挑战:JSW钢铁公司首席执行官Jayant Acharya。 Rising imports may pose a challenge for local steel akers: JSW Steel’s chief executive officer Jayant Acharya 作者: Nikita Periwal JSW Steel’s CEO raises concerns about the impact of rising steel imports on domestic manufacturers in India. Despite strong local demand, the surge in imports, especially from countries with Free Trade Agreements, poses … Read more