
今日外汇汇率 Today’s foreign currency exchange rates 作者: Khabarhub KATHMANDU: Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) has fixed the exchange rates of foreign currencies for today (Monday). The US dollar continues to hold its highest value, while other major currencies such as the Euro, Pound Sterling, Australian Dollar, and Dinar have seen … 加德满都:尼泊尔国家银行(NRB)确定了今天(周一)的外币汇率。美元继续保持着最高的价值,而其他主要货币,如欧元、英镑、澳大利亚元和第纳尔,则有所…… KATHMANDU: Nepal Rastra Bank … Read more


联合国敦促吉利德用改变游戏的艾滋病药物“创造历史” UN Urges Gilead To ‘Make History’ With Game-changing HIV Drug 作者: Robin MILLARD Gilead could bring the AIDS pandemic towards an end if the US pharmaceutical giant opens up access to its game-changing new HIV drug, the head of UNAIDS told AFP. Winnie Byanyima urged Gilead to “make history” by allowing generic manufacturing of … Read more

黄金今日交易价为每托拉Rs. 146,300。

黄金今日交易价为每托拉Rs. 146,300。 Gold traded at Rs. 146,300 per tola today 作者: Khabarhub KATHMANDU: The price of gold in the domestic market increased by Rs 100 per tola today. According to the Nepal Gold and Silver Dealers’ Association, the price of fine gold is now fixed at Rs 146,300 per tola, while standard gold is trading … Read more


戈勒帕尼poonhill的费用和行程安排。 Ghorepani Poonhill costs and Itinerary 作者: Anonymous Coward The Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek is one of the most popular short treks in the Annapurna region of Nepal. It is known for its stunning panoramic views of the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri mountain ranges, making it a favorite among trekkers seeking a relatively easy y… 戈尔帕尼poon山徒步是尼泊尔安纳普尔纳地区最受欢迎的短途徒步路线之一。以其令人惊叹的安纳普尔纳和道拉吉里山脉全景而闻名,因此成为寻求相对轻松徒步旅行者的首选。 … Read more


尼泊尔护照团队抵达葡萄牙收取电子护照的申请。 Nepali passport team arriving in Portugal to collect applications for e-passport 作者: Khabarhub LISBON: A joint squad from the Department of Passport, Kathmandu, and the Nepali Embassy in France is arriving here for the convenience of those Nepali who are in trouble due to passport-related issues. The team is scheduled to collect e-passport applications… … Read more


马尔代夫为避免债务危机准备实施紧缩政策。 Maldives Braces for Austerity to Avert Debt Crisis 作者: Ahmed Naish Credit ratings agency Fitch downgraded the Maldives to “junk” status, casting doubt on the country’s ability to meet “substantial upcoming external debt-servicing obligations.” 信用评级机构惠誉将马尔代夫降级至“垃圾”级别,对该国满足“大量即将到来的外债偿付义务”的能力表示怀疑。 The Maldives is bracing for painful spending cuts and tax hikes to avert a looming debt crisis. A raft … Read more


油价从今天起定为每升167卢比。 Petrol priced at Rs 167 per liter starting today 作者: Khabarhub KATHMANDU: The Nepal Oil Corporation (NOC) has announced a hike in petroleum product prices following a Board of Directors meeting held on Sunday. Effective from midnight today, the prices of petrol, diesel, and kerosene have been raised. The NOC cited the in… 加德满都:尼泊尔石油公司(NOC)在周日举行的董事会会议后宣布提高石油产品价格。从今天午夜起,汽油、柴油和煤油的价格均已上调。NOC引用了…(此处原文信息不完整)。 … Read more


每周经济摘要:股市波动,贸易逆差挑战 Weekly Economic Digest: Stock market fluctuations, trade deficit challenges 作者: Khabarhub KATHMANDU: The fluctuating trends of gold prices throughout the week underscore the volatility inherent in the precious metals market. Starting at Rs 142,000 per tola, prices saw daily fluctuations influenced by global economic cues and market sentiments. Mea… 加德满都:本周黄金价格的波动趋势凸显了贵金属市场内在的不稳定性。黄金价格从每托拉142,000卢比开始,每日的波动受到全球经济信号和市场情绪的影响。 KATHMANDU: The fluctuating trends … Read more


金价今日交易为每托拉142,200卢比。 Gold traded at Rs 142,200 per tola today 作者: Khabarhub KATHMANDU: Gold price increased by Rs 200 in the domestic market today. As reported by the Nepal Gold and Silver Dealers’ Association, the price of fine gold has been revised to Rs 142,200 per tola, while standard gold is currently trading at Rs 141,500 … Read more


印度储备银行和东盟国家将创建一个零售跨境支付平台。 RBI, Asean countries to create platform for retail cross-border payments 作者: Ajinkya Kawale The platform, expected to go live by 2026, will interlink domestic fast payment systems (FPS) of Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and India 该平台预计将于2026年上线,将互联马来西亚、菲律宾、新加坡、泰国和印度的国内快速支付系统(FPS)。 Project Nexus is aimed at making retail cross-border payments efficient, faster and cost-effective, the RBI release said … Read more