
尼泊尔证券交易所指数两位数上涨,交易量缩小。 NEPSE rises by double digits, trading volume shrinks 作者: Khabarhub KATHMANDU: The Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE) saw a double-digit increase on Monday, the second trading day of the week. The NEPSE index rose by 16.29 points, reaching 2,053 points. Shares of 176 companies increased in value, while shares of 60 companies decrea… 加德满都:尼泊尔证券交易所(NEPSE)在本周一这一周的第二个交易日实现了两位数的增长。NEPSE指数上涨了16.29点,达到2,053点。176家公司的股票增值,而60家公司的股票价值下降…… KATHMANDU: … Read more


内阁批准了反洗钱国家战略和来自日本的赠款。 Cabinet approves National Strategy for Money Laundering Prevention and grants from Japan 作者: Khabarhub KATHMANDU: The government has approved the National Strategy and Action Plan for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing. According to Minister for Communications and Information Technology and government Spokesperson Rekha Sharma, the Cabi… 加德满都:政府已批准《预防和打击洗钱及恐怖融资国家战略和行动计划》。根据通信与信息技术部长兼政府发言人瑞卡·夏尔马的说法,内阁… KATHMANDU: The government has … Read more


央行数字货币可以很好地补充UPI。 CBDC can complement UPI well 作者: Anshuman Kamila & Ashish Shinde The digital currency can be useful in places with patchy banking services and it also enjoys sovereign guarantee 数字货币在银行服务不完善的地方可能很有用,并且它还享有主权担保。 Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is a major revolution in the world of fintech and e-Rupee is rapidly expanding its footprint. Acknowledging the meteoric … Read more


经济摘要:快速了解尼泊尔的商业新闻。 Economic Digest: Nepal’s Business News in a Snap 作者: Khabarhub KATHMANDU: Economic Digest offers a concise yet comprehensive overview of significant business happenings in Nepal, presented in easily digestible summaries. The Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) has amended regulations to allow foreign companies operating in Nepal wit… 加德满都:经济摘要提供了简洁而全面的对尼泊尔重大商业事件的概述,以易于消化的摘要形式呈现。尼泊尔国家银行(NRB)已经修订了规定,允许在尼泊尔运营的外国公司……(此处原文似乎不完整,请提供完整句子以便翻译)。 KATHMANDU: Economic Digest offers a concise yet … Read more


NOC提高石油产品价格。 NOC hikes prices of petroleum products 作者: Khabarhub KATHMANDU: The Nepal Oil Corporation (NOC) has announced a hike in petroleum product prices following a Board of Directors meeting held on Sunday. Effective from midnight today, the prices of petrol, diesel, and kerosene have been raised. The NOC cited the in… 加德满都:尼泊尔石油公司(NOC)在周日的董事会会议后宣布提高石油产品价格。从今天午夜起,汽油、柴油和煤油的价格已上调。NOC提到的原因是……(此处原文未完整提供)。 KATHMANDU: The Nepal … Read more


气候友好型技术助力农业增产:达哈尔总理 Climate-friendly technology to boost agricultural production: PM Dahal 作者: Khabarhub CHITWAN: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ has said that climate-friendly technologies will be used in paddy cultivation to increase production and productivity. Addressing a program organized here today on the occasion of the 21st National Paddy … 奇旺:总理普什帕·卡马尔·达哈尔“普拉昌达”表示,将在稻米种植中使用气候友好型技术以提高产量和生产力。在今天举行的第21届全国稻米节活动上,他发表了上述讲话。 CHITWAN: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal … Read more


今日外汇汇率 Today’s foreign currency exchange rates 作者: Khabarhub KATHMANDU: Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) has fixed the exchange rate of foreign currency for June 29, 2024. According to the NRB, the buying rate of one US dollar has been fixed at 133 rupees 12 paisa and the selling rate is 133 rupees 72 paisa. Similarly, the … Read more

新闻24 | 为什么卫生部门会将洪水和热浪警告发送给孕妇

新闻24 | 为什么卫生部门会将洪水和热浪警告发送给孕妇 News24 | Why the health department will send flood and heatwave warnings to pregnant women 作者: Sipokazi Fokazi The chance of a miscarriage or stillbirth can be up to 8% higher during floods or long periods of heat than in normal times. That’s why the health department will soon send warnings about … Read more


酒店业务发现房产所有者与品牌合作的兴趣日益增长:ITC有限公司。 Hotels business witnessing growing interest amongst property owners to partner with brands: ITC Ltd 作者: Mithun Dasgupta ITC shareholders earlier this month approved the conglomerate’s plan to carve-out its hotels business with an overwhelming majority 本月初,ITC股东以压倒性多数票通过了该企业集团剥离其酒店业务的计划。 Diversified conglomerate ITCs hotels business is witnessing growing interest amongst property owners to partner with its brands, resulting … Read more


尼泊尔证券委员会主席任命流程已取消。 Appointment process for Chair of Securities Board of Nepal canceled 作者: Khabarhub KATHMANDU: The process of appointing the Chairman of the Securities Board of Nepal has been canceled. The committee formed to recommend candidates for the Chairman position announced on Friday that the process has been terminated. In a notice issued today, th… 加德满都:任命尼泊尔证券委员会主席的程序已被取消。负责推荐主席职位的委员会于周五宣布,该程序已经终止。在今天发布的通知中,… … Read more