
赚钱试玩视频游戏 Make money To try out Video games 作者: Anairas Articles Kraken Com While the A good Crypto Tap | deposit 5 get 30 mobile casino Available Game Bitcoin Stops Participants can be collect, increase, and you may change animals called “Axies” (axolotl-motivated emails). Axies try bred to help make young childr… 文章Kraken Com时,一个好的加密货币水龙头|存款5元获得30元移动赌场,可玩的比特币让参与者可以收集、增加,并兑换名为“Axies”(以鲎为灵感的虚拟角色)。Axies可以繁殖,以产生后代…… Participants … Read more


基于时间序列条件生成对抗网络的绿色金融增长预测模型 Green finance growth prediction model based on time-series conditional generative adversarial networks 作者: Aya Salama Abdelhady, Nadia Dahmani, Lobna M. AbouEl-Magd, Ashraf Darwish, Aboul Ella Hassanien Climate change mitigation necessitates increased investment in green sectors. This study proposes a methodology to predict green finance growth across various countries, aiming to encourage such investments. Our … Read more


美国将巴基斯坦的经济增长与政治稳定联系起来。 US links Pakistan’s economic growth to political stability 作者: webdesk@voanews.com (Ayaz Gul) ISLAMABAD — The United States urged Pakistan Wednesday to protect the rights of all citizens, including freedom of expression and assembly, as a military-backed crackdown on the opposition party of jailed former prime minister Imran Khan continues.  Donald … 伊斯兰堡——美国周三敦促巴基斯坦保护所有公民的权利,包括言论自由和集会自由,因为军方支持的针对被监禁的前总理伊姆兰·汗所在的反对党的镇压行动仍在继续。 唐纳德…… ISLAMABAD  The … Read more


马克·扎克伯格刚刚加剧了AI未来之争 Mark Zuckerberg Just Intensified the Battle for AI’s Future 作者: Billy Perrigo Alongside the release of its latest generation of Llama, the Meta CEO published a manifesto arguing for open-source AI. 与其最新一代Llama一同发布,Meta的CEO发表了一份宣言,主张开源人工智能。 The tech industry is currently embroiled in a heated debate over the future of AI: should powerful systems be open-source and freely … Read more

Jura 宣布债务融资方案。

Jura 宣布债务融资方案。 Jura Announces Debt Financing 作者: GlobeNewswire CALGARY, Alberta, July 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Jura Energy Corporation (“Jura” or the “Company“) today announced that it has entered into a loan agreement (the “Loan Agreement”) with an arm’s-length shareholder of the Company in the amount of up to US$4,3… 卡尔加里,艾伯塔省,2024年7月24日(环球新闻swire)—Jura能源公司(“Jura”或“公司”)今日宣布,已与公司的一位独立股东签订了一份贷款协议(简称“贷款协议”),金额最高达4,300,000美元。 CALGARY, Alberta, July 24, … Read more


中国沿海省份公共建筑碳排放预测研究——以福建省为例的不同情景分析 Prediction of carbon emissions from public buildings in China’s Coastal Provinces under different scenarios ——A case study of Fujian Province 作者: Yanyan Ke, Rui Fan, Yan Yang, Pingying Wang, Jiarui Qi With the rapid pace of industrialization and the increasing intensity of human activities, the global climate change and energy crisis have reached a … Read more


映射:全球各地巨无霸汉堡的价格变迁。 Mapped: The Price of a Big Mac Across the World 作者: Visual Capitalist What can a Big Mac tell us about currency rates? As it turns out, quite a lot.The Big Mac Index, created by The Economist in 1986, started out as a simple tool to make currency theory more digestible. Now, it’s a … Read more


美国政府对俄罗斯复兴黑客组织“网络军队”的关键成员实施了制裁。 US Gov sanctioned key members of the Cyber Army of Russia Reborn hacktivists group 作者: Pierluigi Paganini The US government sanctioned two Russian hacktivists for their cyberattacks targeting critical infrastructure, including breaches of water facilities. The United States sanctioned Russian hacktivists Yuliya Vladimirovna Pankratova and Denis Olegovich Degtyare… 美国政府对两名俄罗斯黑客活动分子实施了制裁,因为他们针对关键基础设施发起网络攻击,包括对水设施的破坏。美国对俄罗斯黑客活动分子尤利娅·弗拉基米罗夫娜·潘克拉托娃和丹尼斯·奥列戈维奇·德季亚列夫实施了制裁。 US Gov sanctioned key members … Read more


新俄罗斯-伊朗天然气项目可能带来哪些好处? What Benefits Could New Russian-Iranian Gas Project Bring? 作者: Sputnik International The venture will supply Russian natural gas via pipelines to Iran and may open new possibilities to re-export it to countries such as India, says an expert with Russia’s National Energy Security Fund. 这项投资将通过管道向伊朗供应俄罗斯天然气,并可能开启重新出口到如印度等国的新可能性,俄罗斯国家能源安全基金的一位专家表示。 Enjoy in-depth, acute analysis of the most pressing local, … Read more


巴基斯坦税收与数字转型的政治经济学 Political economy of tax and digital transformations in Pakistan 作者: None Ahmad, Ehtisham (2024) Political economy of tax and digital transformations in Pakistan. Pakistan Development Review, 63 (2). pp. 135-160. ISSN 0030-9729 艾哈迈德,埃提沙姆(2024年)《巴基斯坦税收与数字转型的政治经济学》。《巴基斯坦发展评论》,63(2),第135-160页。国际标准期刊编号0030-9729。 Ahmad, Ehtisham (2024) Political economy of tax and digital transformations in Pakistan. Pakistan Development Review, 63 (2). pp. 135-160. ISSN 0030-9729 … Read more