
土耳其总统埃尔多安将出席中国主办的峰会,此行还将参加一系列与东方国家一致的会议。 Turkish President Erdogan to attend China-led summit amid series of Eastern-aligned meetings 作者: BY KRISTINA JOVANOVSKI/THE MEDIA LINE Ankara has expressed interest in joining international organizations led by Beijing, Moscow. 安卡拉已表示有兴趣加入由北京、莫斯科领导的国际组织。 Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan suggested that a Chinese and Russian-led economic organization may be his country’s alternative to the EU following a … Read more


伊朗货币收入增加40亿美元。 Iran’s currency revenues up by US$4bln 作者: info@tabnak.ir Iran’s currency revenues have surged by US$4 billion in spring (March 22-June 21) comparing to similar period in the year before. 伊朗的货币收入在今年春季(3月22日至6月21日)比去年同期增加了40亿美元。 TABNAK: Central Bank of Iran has released a report, showing the countrys currency revenues have totaled US$25.5 billion in the first three months of … Read more


以下是为什么印度需要金砖国家和俄罗斯的原因。 Here’s why India needs BRICS and Russia 作者: RT The era of rigid alliances has ended, giving rise to flexible, stable and non-militarized “coalitions of the willing” Read Full Article at RT.com 刚性联盟的时代已经结束,取而代之的是灵活、稳定且非军事化的“意愿联盟”全文请访问RT.com。 When British economist Jim O’Neill first coined the acronym BRIC in 2001, he likely did not anticipate that this linguistic quip … Read more


员工们阴暗的新手段:骗术攀登顶层之路。 The shadowy new way employees are cheating their way to the top 作者: Rob Price Across the globe, a wave of workers are secretly outsourcing parts or all of their jobs. 全球范围内,一波工人正在秘密地将他们工作的一部分或全部外包出去。 Across the globe, a wave of workers are secretly outsourcing parts or all of their jobs.Lorenzo Matteucci for BI Remi never intended … Read more


金砖国家将考虑扩张,俄罗斯提议增加10个合作伙伴国。 Brics to look at expansion as Russia proposes to add 10 partner countries 作者: Asit Ranjan Mishra Russia has made “developing modalities for interaction with Brics partner countries” one of its key priorities for the Kazan Summit 俄罗斯将“与发展金砖伙伴国家的互动方式”作为其塔甘峰会的关键优先事项之一。 Russia has made “developing modalities for interaction with Brics partner countries” one of its key priorities … Read more


财政部长:巴基斯坦的新国际货币基金组织贷款计划“进展顺利”,最高可达80亿美元。 Finance minister: Pakistan’s new IMF loan program ‘on track’ for up to $8 billion 作者: webdesk@voanews.com (Ayaz Gul) Islamabad — Pakistan said Sunday that discussions with the International Monetary Fund to secure a new multibillion-dollar loan program are progressing well and the program “is on track.” Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb confirmed during a news conferenc… … Read more


到2075年世界最大的经济体 The Largest Economy in the World by 2075 作者: Mashaid Ahmed We recently compiled a list of the Top 30 Largest Economies in the World by 2075 and in this article we will look at the country that’s expected to be the… 我们最近编制了2075年世界前30大经济体名单,在本文中我们将关注预计将成为…的国家。 We recently compiled a list of the Top 30 Largest Economies … Read more


美国就业增长料将随工资增长一同放缓。 US Employment Seen Moderating Along With Wage Growth 作者: Bloomberg News US employers probably tempered their hiring while wage growth moderated in June, another favorable development for Jerome Powell and his Federal Reserve colleagues seeking more confirmation that inflation is slowing. 美国雇主可能在六月份减缓了招聘步伐,同时工资增长也趋于温和,这对杰罗姆·鲍威尔及其美联储同事来说,是另一个寻求更多通胀放缓确认的利好发展。 US employers probably tempered their hiring while wage growth moderated in June, … Read more


绘制全球经济图景:美国、法国、西班牙通货膨胀趋缓。 Charting the Global Economy: Inflation Ebbs in US, France, Spain 作者: Bloomberg News Inflation cooled in the US as well as several European countries in recent readings, offering encouraging signs that central banks in the regions can lower interest rates. 通胀在美国及几个欧洲国家最近的数据中有所降温,这为该地区中央银行可以降低利率提供了鼓舞人心的迹象。 Inflation cooled in the US as well as several European countries in recent … Read more


食品公司瞄准比赛日加快商务活动。 Food Inc eyes quicker commerce on match day 作者: Ajay Rag and Soumyajit Saha With India battling South Africa in the T20 World Cup final this Saturday, quick commerce, food delivery services, restaurants, and brands are bracing for a massive order spike. As fans cheer on the Men in Blue, bars and restaurants screening … Read more