
关于声称谷歌从谷歌地图上“移除”巴勒斯坦的说法 About the Claim that Google ‘Removed’ Palestine from Google Maps 作者: Anna Rascouët-Paz An internet user suggested a #PutPalestineBack on the map hashtag. 一位网民建议使用#把巴勒斯坦放回地图上#的话题标签。 Claim: Google removed Palestine from Google Maps. In June 2024, a claim circulated online that Google had “removed” Palestine from Google Maps: This X post (archived) had gained 252,300 views as … Read more


整合数据资源,成为可持续发展的企业。 Integrate data sources to become a sustainable business 作者: Akhil George TECH NEWS : There is enormous pressure on businesses to become sustainable today. 科技新闻:当今企业面临巨大的可持续发展压力。 FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA Latest News ST driver-conductors detour to save ailing tribal boy goes in vainBirla Estates acquires second land parcel in PuneCapricorn, Daily Horoscope Today, June … Read more