
提出加快对电动汽车充电站电力连接的审批速度。 Faster nod for power connection to EV charging stations proposed 作者: ET Bureau The Indian government has proposed new guidelines to reduce the approval time for electricity connections for electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. The approval time in metropolitan areas will be cut from seven days to three days, and in municipal areas fr… … Read more


HostColor推出灵活的边缘服务器托管合同。 HostColor introduces flexible Edge Server Hosting contracts 作者: Host Color LLC HostColor.com (HC), a global infrastructure provider, has introduced flexible contracts for Edge Bare Metal servers in 50 Edge data centers across the United States and many international locations. HostColor.com (HC), a global infrastructure provider, has in… HostColor.com(HC)是一家全球基础设施提供商,已在美国50个边缘数据中心及许多国际位置推出了边缘裸金属服务器的灵活合同。 New York, July 01, 2024 (GLOBE … Read more


MSME部寻求额外5000亿卢比用于就业生成计划。 MSME ministry seeks additional ₹5,000 crore for job generation scheme 作者: Suryash Kumar The ministry of micro, small and medium enterprises is seeking an additional ₹5,000 crore for the Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme due to a surge in subsidy claim applications. Budget constraints and an overwhelming number of applications have… 微中小企业部因补贴申请激增,正在寻求为总理就业生成计划额外追加500亿卢比。预算限制和申请数量庞大已…… New Delhi: … Read more


塔鲁尔敦促政府建造缓解设施以对抗喀拉拉邦的海岸侵蚀。 Tharoor urges govt to build mitigating structures to combat sea erosion in Kerala 作者: The Hills Times NEW DELHI, July 1: Congress MP Shashi Tharoor drew the government’s attention on Monday to sea erosion impacting the economically and socially disadvantaged coastal communities in Kerala and demanded that a robust network of mitigating structures be … Read more


英国选举:与印度的自贸协定成为保守党和工党竞选纲领的议题。 UK election: FTA with India on manifesto agenda for both Tory, Labour 作者: Press Trust of India As the UK enters the final phase of campaigning ahead of the general election on Thursday, a free trade agreement (FTA) with India is seen as high on the agenda no matter whether the verdict is in … Read more


自2014-15年以来,未进行任何TRQ项下的牛奶及其产品进口:外贸总署主任。 No import of milk, its products under TRQ undertaken since 2014-15: DGFT 作者: Press Trust of India India has not provided any tariff rate quota (TRQ) for the import of milk and its products since 2014-15, a senior commerce ministry official said on Monday. Director General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) Santosh Kumar Sarangi said … Read more


印度、美国将于十月前成立甘地-金发展基金会 India, US To Establish Gandhi-King Development Foundation By October 作者: None The statement of intent was signed during the visit by US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan to India last month. 意向声明是在美国国家安全顾问杰克·沙利文上个月访问印度期间签署的。 The Gandhi-King Development Foundation will operate locally in India New Delhi: India and the United States signed a statement of intent to … Read more


热量使电力需求上涨9%,但6月份燃料销售仍保持适度。 Heat drives power demand up 9% but fuel sales stay modest in June 作者: Sanjay Dutta India Business News: NEW DELHI: The intense heat wave and rising humidity with the onset of monsoon towards the end of the month drove up power consumption by 9% in June a. 印度商业新闻:新德里:随着本月末季风的到来,强烈的热浪和上升的湿度使6月份的电力消费增长了9%。 FD Calculator When investing in … Read more


汽车公司在担忧需求的情况下对经销商发货速度放缓。 Car companies go slow on dealer dispatches on concerns around demand 作者: Pankaj Doval India Business News: NEW DELHI: After nearly three years of bumper growth, car sales have started to show signs of a severe weakness as demand has come down over the past . 印度商业新闻:新德里:经过近三年的强劲增长后,由于过去一段时间需求下降,汽车销量已开始显示出严重的疲软迹象。 FD Calculator When investing in a fixed … Read more

三星印度研究单位为Galaxy AI添加印地语,提升其他技术的研发力度。

三星印度研究单位为Galaxy AI添加印地语,提升其他技术的研发力度。 Samsung India research unit adds Hindi to Galaxy AI, ramps up tech for rest 作者: PTI Samsung’s cutting-edge Hindi AI model for Galaxy AI integrates colloquialisms, conversational speech data, and English word mix handling. The development showcases meticulous attention to detail, ensuring a seamless user experience. This advancement underscor… 三星为Galaxy AI开发的尖端印地语人工智能模型融合了俚语、对话语音数据以及英语词汇混合处理。这一开发显示出对细节的精心关注,确保了无缝的用户体验。这一进步强调了… New Delhi: … Read more