
出口商的利息均摊计划延长两个月;FIEO表示失望。 Interest equalisation scheme for exporters extended for 2 months; FIEO disappointed 作者: PTI The scheme helps exporters from identified sectors and all MSME manufacturer exporters to avail of rupee export credit at competitive rates at a time when the global economy is facing headwinds. Exporters get subsidies under the Interest Equalisation Scheme f… 该方案有助于被确定的行业出口商以及所有中小微制造商出口商在全球经济面临逆风时,以有竞争力的利率获得卢比出口信贷。出口商可以在利息平衡计划下获得补贴…… … Read more


塞比取消LFS经纪公司的注册,禁止总经理五年内从业。 Sebi cancels registration of LFS Broking, bans MD for 5 years 作者: PTI Sebi observed the conduct of LFS Broking, where it allowed to use the registration certificates in collusion with Rahman, to deceive investors for the illegal mobilisation of funds. The markets watchdog holds that the brokerage firm is also not satisfying the… … Read more


政府总负债截至三月增长3.4%,达到17.2万亿卢比:财政部。 Govt’s gross liabilities up 3.4% at Rs 172 trn by March: Finance ministry 作者: Press Trust of India Total gross liabilities of the government increased to Rs 171.78 lakh crore at the end of March 2024 from Rs 166.14 lakh crore at December-end, the finance ministry has said. This represented a quarter-on-quarter increase of … Read more


YouTube为高级会员推出新功能,考虑推出更多付费计划。 YouTube introduces new features for premium members, mulls more paid plans 作者: Harsh Shivam Youtube premium new features: Moreover, YouTube is planning to introduce new premium membership plans in addition to those that currently exists YouTube高级版新功能:此外,YouTube计划推出新的高级会员计划,除了现有的会员计划之外。 Moreover, YouTube is planning to introduce new premium membership plans in addition to those that currently exists New … Read more

Tech Mahindra首席执行官莫希特·乔希表示,FY25将成为转折之年。

Tech Mahindra首席执行官莫希特·乔希表示,FY25将成为转折之年。 Tech Mahindra CEO Mohit Joshi says FY25 will be turnaround year 作者: ETtech As per Tech Mahindra chairman Anand Mahindra, as organisations strive to stay ahead in the digital race, IT services will play a key role in enhancing technology by integrating AI seamlessly into the core business functions. “The race does not … Read more


DA涨幅最新消息:中央政府雇员和养老金领取者能否获得18个月的DA欠款?总理收到一项提议。 DA hike latest update: Will central govt employees, pensioners get 18-month DA arrear? PM gets a proposal 作者: Anulekha Ray 7th Pay Commission Dearness Allowance Latest Update: Dearness allowance is a component of salary of the government employees and pensioners. It was introduced to help government employees cope with rising inflation. Will the central … Read more


政府启动了针对医疗中心质量评估的虚拟系统。 Govt launches virtual systems for quality assessment in healthcare centres 作者: Sanket Koul Virtual healthcare quality assessment India: The instant or ‘tatkal’ issuance of licences or registrations in select food businesses under the FSSAI was also a part of the health ministry’s 100-day programme 虚拟医疗质量评估印度:在食品安全生产及监管局(FSSAI)选定食品业务中即时或“tatkal”(快速)发放许可证或注册,也是卫生部门100天行动计划的一部分。 The instant or ‘tatkal’ issuance of licences or registrations … Read more


ET科技交易简报:2024年6月,初创企业融资达到17.1亿美元,同比增长148%。 ETtech Deals Digest: Startups raise $1.71 billion in June 2024, marking a 148% on-year increase 作者: ETtech The fundraise was done by startups in the early and late stages across 85 rounds, said private market intelligence platform Tracxn. 该轮融资是由早期和晚期初创公司通过85轮融资完成的,私募市场情报平台Tracxn表示。 Startups secured a total funding value of about $1.71 billion in June 2024, marking a … Read more


印度和美国将电子商务的2%数字税协议延长至6月30日。 India and US extends 2% digital tax pact on e-commerce until June 30 作者: BS Reporter In October 2021, India and the US came to terms to settle differences with respect to the equalisation levy, commonly known as the digital tax 2021年10月,印度和美国就平等税(通常称为数字税)达成协议,以解决分歧。 In October 2021, India and the US came to terms to settle … Read more


黄金上涨了370卢比;在全球强劲的信号下,白银跳涨了600卢比。 Gold climbs Rs 370; silver jumps Rs 600 amid strong global cues 作者: statetimes_editor NEW DELHI: Gold prices climbed Rs 370 to Rs 72,550 per 10 grams in the national capital on Friday amid a rise in precious metal rates internationally, according to HDFC Securities. The yellow metal prices had settled at Rs 72,180 … Read more