
英国对TikTok在儿童安全数据报告方面进行罚款。 UK fines TikTok over child safety data reporting 作者: AFP British telecommunications regulator Ofcom said Wednesday it had handed video sharing platform TikTok a 1.9 million pound ($2.4 million) fine for failing to timely make available safety data. “Ofcom has today fined TikTok £1.875 million for failing to accurat… 英国电信监管机构Ofcom周三表示,由于视频分享平台TikTok未能及时提供安全数据,已对其处以190万英镑(240万美元)的罚款。”Ofcom今天对TikTok处以187.5万英镑的罚款,原因是其未能准确… ” (注:由于原文最后一部分不完整,无法提供完整的句子翻译。) British telecommunications … Read more

美国:迈阿密 – 印度新德里。774美元(经济舱基础票价)/ 818美元(经济舱常规票价)。往返含税。

美国:迈阿密 – 印度新德里。774美元(经济舱基础票价)/ 818美元(经济舱常规票价)。往返含税。 American: Miami – New Delhi, India. $774 (Basic Economy) / $818 (Regular Economy). Roundtrip, including all Taxes 作者: The Flight Deal A good sale to New Delhi.Matrix Airfare Search by ITA Software will price this at $818 (Regular Economy). Use those dates on American should reprice to $774 (Basic Economy) and … Read more


美国财政部警告印度银行不要与俄罗斯进行业务往来。 US Treasury warns India’s banks about business with Russia 作者: Reuters A U.S. Treasury official cautioned India’s banks about potential repercussions if they engage with Russia’s military industrial base, emphasizing that such actions could lead to losing access to the U.S. financial system. In a letter to the Indian Banks’ Asso… 一位美国财政部官员警告印度的银行,如果它们与俄罗斯的军事工业基地进行交易,可能会带来潜在的反响,强调这样的行为可能导致失去接入美国金融系统的资格。在致印度银行协会的一封信中…… A U.S. … Read more


顶级公司的利润下降导致公司税收预测削减:收入部长。 Top firms’ profit drop led to cut in corporation tax forecast: Revenue secy 作者: Shrimi Choudhary In conversation with Shrimi Choudhary, the senior bureaucrat discusses several tax-related announcements in the Union Budget 在与Shrimi Choudhary的对话中,这位高级官员讨论了联邦预算中关于税收的几项公告。 In conversation with Shrimi Choudhary, the senior bureaucrat discusses several tax-related announcements in the Union Budget Revenue Secretary, Sanjay Malhotra … Read more


预算前线:距离国防资金2%的目标遥遥无期 Budget Frontlines: A long shot from the 2% goalpost for defence funds 作者: Ajai Shukla A deep dive into the defence budget allocations and strategic challenges, kicking off a three-part analysis 深入探讨国防预算分配及战略挑战,开启一个三部分分析的第一篇。 A deep dive into the defence budget allocations and strategic challenges, kicking off a three-part analysis Ajai ShuklaNew Delhi With capital procurement … Read more

记录预算分配以改革东北部:Ashwini Vaishnaw

记录预算分配以改革东北部:Ashwini Vaishnaw Record allocation in railway budget to transform northeast: Ashwini Vaishnaw 作者: The Hills Times HT Bureau GUWAHATI, July 24: Ashwini Vaishnaw, minister for Railways, Information & Broadcasting and Electronics & Information Technology, on Wednesday, held an interaction with media persons of north-east virtually from New Delhi in connection with the alloc… HT事务所 古瓦哈蒂,7月24日:铁路、信息与广播以及电子与信息技术部长Ashwini Vaishnaw周三在新德里通过视频方式与东北地区媒体人士就分配…进行了互动。 … Read more

秘书处工作组正在简化外国直接投资规定:Piyush Goyal

秘书处工作组正在简化外国直接投资规定:Piyush Goyal Panel of secretaries working on simplification of FDI rules: Piyush Goyal 作者: Shreya Nandi A reduction in the basic customs duty of gold to 6 per cent (from 15 per cent) will reduce smuggling, said Union minister Piyush Goyal 降低黄金的基本关税至6%(从15%),将减少走私现象,联合部长皮尤什·戈亚尔说道。 A reduction in the basic customs duty of gold to 6 per cent … Read more


预算:电子法庭项目获得1500亿卢比;数字化记录是该倡议的一部分。 Budget: eCourts project gets Rs 1500 crore; digitisation records part of initiative 作者: PTI The eCourts project’s third phase, with Rs 1,500 crore from the 2024-25 budget, includes Rs 2,038.40 crore for digitising 3,108 crore documents, Rs 1,205.20 crore for cloud storage, and Rs 413.08 crore for 1,150 virtual courts. Over four years, as … Read more


SpiceJet航空董事会批准通过QIP筹集3000亿卢比。 SpiceJet airline’s board approves raising Rs 3,000 crore through QIP 作者: Deepak Patel Five years back, SpiceJet was operating about 4,000 flights per week. Currently, the airline is operating just about 1,154 flights per week, according to Cirium 五年前,香料航空每周运营大约4,000个航班。目前,根据Cirium的数据,该航空公司每周仅运营大约1,154个航班。 Five years back, SpiceJet was operating about 4,000 flights per week. Currently, the airline is … Read more


“政府密切关注基层”:经济学家称赞预算案对就业和通胀的关注度提高 ‘Govt has ears close to ground’: Economists praise focus on jobs, inflation in Budget 作者: PTI New Delhi, Finance Minister Sitharaman’s Budget 2024-25 emphasizes job creation, inflation control, and fiscal prudence. Economists appreciated its focus on employment, skill development, manufacturing, and sustainability. However, Arun Kumar stressed the imp… 新德里,财政部长西塔拉曼的2024-25年度预算强调了就业创造、通胀控制和财政审慎。经济学家们对其关注就业、技能发展、制造业和可持续性表示赞赏。然而,阿伦·库马尔强调了对…的重要性。 The focus of Finance Minister … Read more