
解释:支付欺诈的种类及若你资金损失应采取的措施 Explained: Types of payment frauds and what to do if you lose money 作者: Sunainaa Chadha In 2023 alone, over 13,000 cases of financial fraud were recorded, nearly half of which were digital payment fraud (card/internet). 仅在2023年,就记录了超过13,000起金融欺诈案件,其中近一半是数字支付欺诈(信用卡/网络)。 In 2023 alone, over 13,000 cases of financial fraud were recorded, nearly half of which were digital … Read more


拜登对决特朗普第二回合:预计在经济、移民等问题上会有激烈交锋 Biden vs Trump Round 2: Expect fireworks over economy, immigration and more 作者: Abhijeet Kumar Biden vs Trump Presidential Debate: The upcoming Presidential debate will be the second face-off between Joe Biden and Donald Trump after a chaotic debate in 2020. The debate comes less than five months before the November 5 election 拜登与特朗普总统辩论:即将到来的总统辩论将是乔·拜登与唐纳德·特朗普在2020年混乱辩论之后的第二次交锋。辩论距离11月5日的选举不到五个月。 … Read more

iPhone 制造商富士康对“不招聘已婚女性”争议的回应

iPhone 制造商富士康对“不招聘已婚女性”争议的回应 iPhone Maker Foxconn’s Response After Row Over “Not Hiring Married Women” 作者: None Apple iPhone maker Foxconn has informed the government that 25% of its new hires are married women and its safety protocol, which requires all employees to avoid wearing metal irrespective of gender or religion, is not discriminatory, sources said. 苹果iPhone制造商富士康已向政府通报,其新招聘的员工中有25%是已婚女性,并且其安全协议要求所有员工不论性别或宗教信仰都避免穿戴金属,消息人士称这并不具有歧视性。 … Read more


印度总统宣布新当选的议会成立,并将经济改革作为关键议题。 India’s president inaugurates newly elected parliament and sets out economic reforms as a key agenda 作者: ASHOK SHARMA Associated Press India’s president has inaugurated a new parliament after national elections, listing the priorities of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government in coming years, including fast-tracking economic reforms and boosting small and medium-size enterprises to… 印度总统在国民选举后举行了新议会的就职仪式,列出了纳伦德拉·莫迪政府在未来几年的优先事项,包括加快经济改革和促进中小型企业的发展…… … Read more

中国芯片制造商 Nexperia 投资两亿美元在欧洲扩张。

中国芯片制造商 Nexperia 投资两亿美元在欧洲扩张。 Chinese chipmaker Nexperia invests $200 million in European expansion 作者: Reuters Nexperia makes 100 billion such chips annually, nearly a quarter of the world’s supply. These chips are preferred over traditional silicon chips due to their enhanced efficiency, speed, lightweight nature, and capability to operate effectively in high tempera… Nexperia每年生产1000亿这样的芯片,几乎占全球供应的四分之一。这些芯片因其更高的效率、速度、轻量化特性以及在高温下有效运行的能力,而比传统硅芯片更受青睐。 Nexperia, one … Read more

Route Mobile上涨15%,触及29个月高点,因微软、Proximus签署协议。

Route Mobile上涨15%,触及29个月高点,因微软、Proximus签署协议。 Route Mobile soars 15%, hits 29-month high as Microsoft, Proximus sign pact 作者: SI Reporter Microsoft and Proximus Group have sign a new strategic partnership for collaboration on digital communications and cloud 微软和Proximus集团签署了一项新的战略合作伙伴关系,以合作开展数字通信和云计算。 Microsoft and Proximus Group have sign a new strategic partnership for collaboration on digital communications and cloud SI ReporterMumbai Route … Read more

TOI 对话:印度即将到来的奥运会的草根策略

TOI 对话:印度即将到来的奥运会的草根策略 TOI Dialogues: India’s Grassroots strategy for upcoming Olympics 作者: Times Of India India News: NEW DELHI: The second chapter of TOI dialogues held in UP witnessed key figures in Indian sports deliberating on the nation’s journey towards becoming. 印度新闻:新德里: TOI对话的第二章节在北方邦举行,见证了印度体育界的关键人物讨论该国走向成为的过程。 10 beautiful fishes to keep in home aquariums for beginners 10种适合新手在家中水族箱饲养的美丽鱼类。 原文链接:The Times … Read more


九家印度汽车制造商计划每年增加产能三百万辆。 Nine Indian car makers plan additional capacity of 3 million per annum 作者: Surajeet Das Gupta Once the plants are up and running, India will hit a capacity of 8.77 million passenger vehicles per annum 一旦这些工厂投入运营,印度将达到每年生产877万辆乘用车的产能。 Once the plants are up and running, India will hit a capacity of 8.77 million passenger vehicles per … Read more

UltraTech Cement 修订收购要约,将收购阿联酋RAKWCT公司25%的股份。

UltraTech Cement 修订收购要约,将收购阿联酋RAKWCT公司25%的股份。 UltraTech Cement revises offer, to acquire 25 pc of UAE-based RAKWCT 作者: PTI UltraTech Cement revised its offer to acquire 25% of UAE-based RAKWCT, down from the initial 31.6%. The deal involves 12.50 crore shares and targets the Abu Dhabi stock exchange. The company had a turnover of Rs 482.5 crore in … Read more


超过450名股东在新市场高点时减持股份。 Over 450 promoters cut stake in shareholding amid new market highs 作者: Anoushka Sawhney, Sundar Sethuraman Promoter selling in rising market India: Drop in shareholdings highest in at least 12 quarters 在增长的市场印度,股东减持幅度为至少12个季度以来最高。 Drop in shareholdings highest in at least 12 quarters ILLUSTRATION: AJAY MOHANTY Anoushka SawhneySundar SethuramanNew Delhi/Mumbai Around 462 promoters reported a drop … Read more