
52个药品样本,包括对乙酰氨基酚,未能通过质量检测。 52 Drug Samples, Including That Of Paracetamol, Fail Quality Test 作者: None India’s apex drugs regulatory body has found the samples of around 50 drugs, including that of widely-used paracetamol, pantoprazole and some antibiotics for treating bacterial infections, as not of standard quality 印度最高药品监管机构发现大约50种药物的样品,包括广泛使用的扑热息痛、潘托普拉唑和一些用于治疗细菌感染的抗生素,不符合标准质量。 Of these sub-standard drugs, 22 are manufactured in Himachal Pradesh … Read more


预算观察:技能、就业领域要求采取措施促进就业创造。 Budget Watch: Skill, employment sector demands measures for job creation 作者: Harsh Kumar Gayathri Vasudevan, trustee at Sambhav Foundation, said the meeting focused largely on optimising the utilisation of existing funds 盖亚特里·瓦斯udevam,萨姆巴夫基金会的受托人表示,会议主要集中在大致优化现有资金的利用。 New Delhi: FM Nirmala Sitharaman chairs the eighth Pre-Budget consultation with representatives of the Employment and Skilling division to take suggestions for … Read more


孟加拉国将对印度和中国的提斯塔项目提案进行评估:哈西娜总理。 Bangladesh to gauge both Indian and Chinese proposals on the Teesta project: PM Hasina 作者: PTI India is presumed to have a reservation over China’s involvement in a major project near its strategic Siliguri Corridor, also known as the Chicken’s Neck, while Bangladesh’s foreign ministry earlier said Dhaka would “take into cognizance the geopolitical … Read more

PMAY-U 2.0计划即将启动,将在城市地区建设一千万套房屋,官员表示。

PMAY-U 2.0计划即将启动,将在城市地区建设一千万套房屋,官员表示。 PMAY-U 2.0 to build 1 crore houses in urban areas will be launched soon, says ministry officials 作者: PTI The Union Cabinet of Modi 3.0 government, in its first meeting held on June 10 under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, approved government assistance for the construction of three crore houses under … Read more


IPO-bound初创公司在资金回潮中受到投资者青睐。 IPO-bound startups find favour among investors amid funding resurgence 作者: Aryaman Gupta Record surge in stock markets and consistently improving performances of listed startups are understood to have turned the sentiment for the better 股票市场的记录性激增和上市公司初创企业的持续改善表现,被认为是情绪好转的原因。 Record surge in stock markets and consistently improving performances of listed startups are understood to have turned the sentiment … Read more


尽管预计产量将上升,政府暗示没有计划出口糖。 Even as output is expected to rise, govt hints no plans to export sugar 作者: Dipak K Dash India Business News: NEW DELHI: Sugar production in India is set to rise next season (October-September) because of the prospect of better monsoon, but govt indicated on T. 印度商业新闻:新德里:由于预期季风降雨改善,印度下一季(十月至九月)的糖产量预计将上升,但政府周二表示。 FD Calculator When investing in a fixed … Read more


印度将增加7座新核反应堆,在5年内提高发电能力70%:部长说。 India to add 7 new nuclear reactors, increase power generation capacity by 70% in 5 years: Minister 作者: Rituraj Baruah A meeting was held to review the Department of Atomic Energy’s 100-day action plan. India currently has 24 nuclear reactors. 召开了一次会议,以审查原子能部门的百日行动计划。印度目前有24座核反应堆。 New Delhi: India’s nuclear power generation capacity is likely to rise by around … Read more


面料制造商Raymond在FY25财年将增加超过100家民族服装品牌门店。 Fabric maker Raymond to add over 100 stores of ethnic wear brand in FY25 作者: Press Trust of India Leading textile and fabric manufacturer Raymond has plans to add over 100 stores of its ethnic wear brand ‘Ethnix by Raymond’, the latest annual report of the company said. Raymond, which has introduced Ethnix format … Read more


2024年预算:印度船运公司25%的份额每年可节省500亿美元,FIEO表示。 Budget 2024: 25% share by Indian liners could save $50 billion annually, says FIEO 作者: None Key export-related demands included creating an Indian shipping line, duty cuts, and extending credit schemes. Nasscom pushed for favorable policies like transfer pricing rules and deep tech clarity, with officials present to address concerns. 关键与出口相关的需求包括创建印度海运航线、关税减免以及延长信贷计划。印度全国软件和服务公司协会(Nasscom)推动有利于政策的制定,如转让定价规则和深科技方面的明确性,并安排官员现场解答关切。 New Delhi: Exporters … Read more


印度和美国正在讨论联合生产“标枪”反坦克导弹。 India, US discussing co-production of Javelin anti-tank missiles 作者: ANI India and the US discussed joint production of American javelin missiles to meet Indian military needs. 印度和美国讨论了联合生产美国标枪导弹以满足印度军事需求。 New Delhi: India and the US held discussions on the co-production of American javelin missiles in India to meet the requirements of the Indian military.The discussions on … Read more