Survey conducted by the economic research organisation found that demand and pricing constraints are the main obstacles to the commercialisation of space technology. 空间技术商业化:经济调查报告指出,需求与定价限制是关键挑战——经济研究组织进行的一项调查发现,需求与定价限制是太空技术商业化的主要障碍。

Survey conducted by the economic research organisation found that demand and pricing constraints are the main obstacles to the commercialisation of space technology. 空间技术商业化:经济调查报告指出,需求与定价限制是关键挑战——经济研究组织进行的一项调查发现,需求与定价限制是太空技术商业化的主要障碍。 Demand, pricing constraints key challenges for space tech commercialisation: Economic Survey 作者: PTI Economic survey said challenges related to the commercialisation of technologies include the presence of a very niche and/or … Read more

赛诺菲暂时召回 Allegra(奥拉拉嗪)和Combiflam(康必痛)

赛诺菲暂时召回 Allegra(奥拉拉嗪)和Combiflam(康必痛) Sanofi temporarily recalls Allegra, Combiflam 作者: Livemint France based multinational pharma company Sanofi has issued a circular in the Indian market stating that it is going to temporarily halt the sales of its Allegra Suspension syrup (Fexofenadine Hydrochloride Suspension) and Combiflam Suspension (Ibuprofen and … 法国跨国制药公司赛诺菲在印度市场发布通知,宣布将暂时停止销售其Allegra悬浮液糖浆(盐酸非索非那定悬浮液)和Combiflam悬浮液(布洛芬和……)。 New Delhi: France based multinational pharma company … Read more


特斯拉第二季度利润率可能下降;关注自动驾驶出租车和人工智能业务。 Tesla margins likely dipped in Q2; robotaxi, AI ventures in focus 作者: Reuters Telsa CEO Elon Musk said the company would unveil its robotaxi on August 8 but signaled last week the automaker would take more time to incorporate a design change following a media report that the launch was delayed to October. The … Read more


中心否认比哈尔的“特殊类别”地位;不允许新的分类认定。 Centre denies Bihar’s ‘special category’ status; no new designation allowed 作者: Rimjhim Singh Bihar Special Category Status Demand: The Centre said that no new states are being awarded ‘special category’ status at present, as the Indian Constitution does not accommodate such classification 比哈尔特殊类别地位要求:中央表示,目前没有新的州被授予“特殊类别”地位,因为印度宪法没有容纳此类分类。 The Centre said that no new states are being awarded ‘special … Read more


教育科技初创公司Bluelearn关闭店铺,将向投资者返还70%的资金。 Edtech startup Bluelearn shuts shop, to return 70% of capital to investors 作者: ETtech Bluelearn, a well-funded upskilling platform, has announced its shutdown and plans to return 70% of raised capital to investors. It is latest to join the list of Indian Edtech platforms that closed down. Bluelearn,一个资金充足的技能提升平台,宣布关闭并计划将筹集资本的70%返还给投资者。它是最新加入印度教育技术平台倒闭名单的公司。 Elevation Capital-backed upskilling and job finding … Read more


市场高位是否自动意味着下跌?投资者应该怎么做? Does a market high automatically mean a fall? What should investors do? 作者: Sunainaa Chadha Temporary market declines of more than 30%, historically has occurred once every 8-10 years 市场短期内下跌超过30%,历史上大约每8-10年发生一次。 Temporary market declines of more than 30%, historically has occurred once every 8-10 years Representative Picture Sunainaa ChadhaNEW DELHI Indian stock markets witnessed a … Read more


ZYDUS生命科学公司获得墨西哥当局对癌症治疗生物仿制药的批准。 Zydus Lifesciences gets Mexican authority nod for cancer remedy biosimilar 作者: Press Trust of India Zydus Lifesciences Ltd on Monday said it has received marketing approval from the Mexican regulatory authority for its biosimilar product — Bhava, used in the treatment of certain types of cancers. Mexican regulatory authority COFEPRIS (Federal Commission fo… 赞杜斯生命科学有限公司周一表示,其生物类似药产品——Bhava,用于治疗某些类型的癌症,已获得墨西哥监管机构的上市批准。 … Read more


利润增长,招聘进行,薪资增长有限:中央政府对印度公司的信息传达如此。 Profit Growing, Hiring, Salaries Not So Much: Centre’s Message To India Inc 作者: None The corporate sector in India has been posting impressive financial performances, but recruitments and salary growth of employees have not kept up with the companies’ profit, the government has said in the Economic Survey. 印度企业部门一直展现出令人印象深刻的财务表现,但员工的招聘和工资增长并未跟上公司的利润增长,政府在经济调查报告中如此表示。 Job creation happens mainly in … Read more


房地产销售达2013年以来最高,8个城市卖出40万套住房:经济调查。 Realty sales highest since 2013, 4 lakh homes sold in 8 cities: Eco Survey 作者: Sunainaa Chadha India’s housing boom: Real estate dominates Indian household savings with highest allocation 印度的房地产繁荣:房地产占印度家庭储蓄的最高比例。 India’s housing boom: Real estate dominates Indian household savings with highest allocation Sunainaa ChadhaNEW DELHI India’s household sector serves as a primary source of … Read more


印度经济顾问在年度报告中支持更多中国直接投资。 Indian economic adviser backs more Chinese direct investment in annual report 作者: Reuters Indian economic adviser backs more Chinese direct investment in annual report 印度经济顾问在年度报告中支持更多中国直接投资。 NEW DELHI (Reuters) – India’s annual economic report card has backed more Chinese investment in the country, even as investments worth billions of dollars from China suffer disruption due … Read more