
空气产品与化学品公司(纽约证券交易所:APD)交易上涨2.6% Air Products and Chemicals (NYSE:APD) Trading 2.6% Higher 作者: MarketBeat News Shares of Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. (NYSE:APD – Get Free Report) shot up 2.6% during mid-day trading on Friday . The company traded as high as $276.85 and last traded at $276.80. 149,016 shares traded hands during mid-day trading, a decline of … Read more


NCLT对喜马拉雅矿泉水公司启动破产程序。 NCLT initiates insolvency against Himalayan Mineral Water 作者: PTI The National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) has approved insolvency proceedings against Himalayan Mineral Waters due to defaulting on a corporate guarantee to Jammu & Kashmir Bank for LeeL Electricals. The tribunal appointed Bhoopesh Gupta as the interim resolut… 国家公司法法庭(NCLT)已批准针对喜马拉雅矿物水的破产程序,因其未能履行对李尔电气向查谟与克什米尔银行的 corporate guarantee。法庭指定了Bhoopesh Gupta作为临时解决方案… The National Company … Read more


这些小市值互惠基金在五月份跑赢了基准指数。 These smallcap mutual funds outperformed benchmarks in May 作者: ANI Around 23 smallcap funds outperformed their respective benchmarks in May. There were 27 smallcap funds in the said period. Here are the top five outperformers, according to the data pulled by ACE MF. Outperformers 大约23只小市值基金在5月份的表现超过了各自的基准。在该时期内共有27只小市值基金。以下是根据ACE MF提取的数据显示的前五名表现优异的基金。表现优异者。 Jun 09, 2024, 02:01:23 PM IST Around 23 … Read more


离开美元,拥抱数字货币。 Leaving the US dollar behind, embracing digital currency 作者: BY DENIS KARLINSKIY Since World War II, the dollar has maintained its unwavering supremacy. With the emergence of digital currency, we must ask ourselves: Is it time to reassess the fundamentals of our monetary system? 自第二次世界大战以来,美元一直保持着不可动摇的霸主地位。随着数字货币的出现,我们必须问自己:是时候重新评估我们货币系统的基本原理了吗? In the realm of global finance, certain symbols carry … Read more


印度航空利用集团航空公司的工程技能提升飞机维护工作。 Air India utilising group airlines’ engineering skills for improved aircraft maintenance works 作者: PTI India News: NEW DELHI: Tata Group-owned Air India is utilising the engineering skills available with group airlines to carry out more maintenance work of the airc. 印度新闻:新德里:塔塔集团旗下的印度航空正在利用集团航空公司的工程技能,来执行更多的飞机维护工作。 Habits of women who are mentally strong, as per psychology 心理强大的女性的习惯,根据心理学研究。 原文链接:The Times … Read more


坎贝尔和公司投资顾问有限责任公司对必和必拓集团(纽约证券交易所:BHP)进行新的投资 Campbell & CO Investment Adviser LLC Makes New Investment in BHP Group Limited (NYSE:BHP) 作者: MarketBeat News Campbell & CO Investment Adviser LLC bought a new position in BHP Group Limited (NYSE:BHP – Free Report) in the 4th quarter, according to its most recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The firm … Read more


商务部可能会在即将到来的预算中为初创企业寻求更多资金。 Commerce Ministry may seek more funds for startups in forthcoming Budget 作者: PTI The Commerce and Industry Ministry plans to request additional funds for startups in the upcoming Budget to boost innovation. A new scheme may replace the current seed fund program, set to conclude in 2025. The government aims to support early-stage entrepren… … Read more


商务部长可能会在即将到来的预算中为初创企业寻求更多资金。 Commerce Min may seek more funds for startups in forthcoming Budget 作者: PTI Commerce Ministry considers requesting extra funds for startups in the Budget 2024-25 to support startups in various growth stages with a new scheme similar to the seed fund scheme that provided funding through incubators, in line with the Startup India initi… … Read more


澳航对印度增长持乐观态度。 Qantas bullish on growth in India 作者: Aneesh Phadnis Additional flights to India create a great opportunity for inbound travel to Australia and Qantas is also benefiting from its partnership with IndiGo as it brings in more passenger feed 增加飞往印度的航班为澳大利亚入境旅游创造了巨大机遇,同时,澳航也得益于与IndiGo的合作,因为它带来了更多的乘客流量。 Qantas is bullish about growth in India driven by strong economic fundamentals in the … Read more


印度终端能源消耗到2050年将增长90%:俄罗斯石油公司首席执行官。 India’s end-use energy consumption to grow by 90% by 2050: Rosneft CEO 作者: Rishi Ranjan Kala Oil giant, Rosneft’s CEO, Igor Sechin, stressed that Asian countries, Russia’s trading partners, will account for the highest growth in oil demand with India, accounting for the highest growth rate, by the middle of the century 石油巨头俄罗斯石油公司CEO伊戈尔·谢钦强调,亚洲国家,作为俄罗斯的贸易伙伴,将在本世纪中叶之前占据石油需求最高增长的份额,其中印度增长率最高。 Oil … Read more