
“预算中的不公待遇”:卡纳塔克邦将抵制7月27日由总理主持的尼蒂阿尤格会议 “Raw deal in budget”: Karnataka to boycott July 27 Niti Aayog meet to be chaired by PM 作者: ET Online While the CM posted the decision in a post on X, Deputy CM DK Shivakumar defended the decision, on Thursday, saying there was no point in attending the NITI Aayog meeting when it lacked … Read more


信用评级机构对印度的财政巩固计划持乐观态度。 Credit rating agencies upbeat on India’s fiscal consolidation plan 作者: Shiva Rajora Moody’s Ratings notes that the Budget is credit positive 穆迪评级指出,预算对信用状况是积极的。 Moody’s Ratings notes that the Budget is credit positive Shiva Rajora Global credit rating agencies gave a thumbs up to the FY25 Budget, lauding the government’s firm commitment to deficit reductio… [+3368 … Read more


契丹巴拉姆警告政府,不要轻视通货膨胀。 Don’t take inflation lightly, Chidambaram cautions government 作者: PTI Former finance minister P Chidambaram warned the government about the consequences of underestimating inflation, which he said was severely affecting families. He questioned why the RBI hadn’t reduced bank rates if inflation was low. Chidambaram also criticiz… 前财政部长P·奇丹巴拉姆警告政府不要低估通货膨胀的影响,他说这严重影响了家庭。他质疑为何在通货膨胀较低的情况下,印度储备银行还没有降低银行利率。奇丹巴拉姆还批评了… Former finance minister P Chidambaram on Tuesday … Read more


食品补贴费用预计将高于预算估算,这是由于储存过剩粮食的成本上升以及最低支持价格(MSP)的增长所驱动。 Food subsidy bill likely to go up from budgeted estimate driven by cost of storage of excess foodgrains, rise in MSP 作者: Dipak Kumar Dash India News: NEW DELHI: The govt’s food subsidy bill in 2024-25 is likely to increase against budgeted estimate of little over Rs 2 lakh crore because of high cost. … Read more


2024年预算取消了财产指数化:受益者、受损者、税务计算 Budget 2024 took away property indexation: Gainers, losers, tax calculation 作者: Puneet Wadhwa Mumbai and the National Capital Region (NCR) are likely to be hit the most by Budget 2024 property indexation benefit loss, said analysts at CLSA in a note 孟买和国家首都区(NCR)可能会受到2024年预算中房地产指数化收益损失的最大冲击,CLSA的分析师在一份报告中指出。 Mumbai and the National Capital Region (NCR) are likely to be hit … Read more

中东医疗物流市场预计到2032年将达到8670.18百万美元估值 | 精明分析机构

中东医疗物流市场预计到2032年将达到8670.18百万美元估值 | 精明分析机构 Middle East Healthcare Logistics Market Set to Attain Valuation of USD 8,670.18 Million By 2032 | Astute Analytica 作者: AstuteAnalytica India Pvt. Ltd. The future of the Middle East healthcare logistics market appears robust, propelled by advancements in digital technologies and an expanding e-commerce sector. Despite potential challenges like fluctuating fuel prices … Read more


尼得科宣布与塔塔埃尔西有限公司签署全面谅解备忘录。 Nidec Announces its Execution of Comprehensive MOU with Tata Elxsi Ltd. 作者: Investing.com Nidec Announces its Execution of Comprehensive MOU with Tata Elxsi Ltd. 尼得科宣布与塔塔艾尔西有限公司签署全面谅解备忘录。 KYOTO, Japan–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Nidec Corporation (TOKYO: 6594; OTC US: NJDCY) (Nidec or the Company) today announced that it has executed a memorandum of understanding (the MOU) on July 22, 2024 … Read more

arnings 曼哈顿联合公司报告创纪录的收入和盈利。

arnings 曼哈顿联合公司报告创纪录的收入和盈利。 Manhattan Associates Reports Record Revenue and Earnings 作者: Investing.com Manhattan Associates Reports Record Revenue and Earnings 曼哈顿联合公司报告创纪录的收入和盈利额。 RPO Bookings Increase 29% over Prior Year on Strong Demand Company Raises 2024 Full-Year Guidance ATLANTA–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Leading Supply Chain and Omnichannel Commerce Solutions provider Manhatt… [+46232 chars] RPO预订量同比增长29%,市场需求强劲 公司上调2024年全年指导预期 亚特兰大–(商业电线)–领先的供应链和全渠道商务解决方案提供商Manhatt…[+46232个字符] 从您提供的新闻简报中,虽然没有直接提到中国外贸公司的具体商业机会,但我们可以从曼哈顿联合公司(Manhattan Associates)的业绩增长和上调的预期中推断出一些潜在商机。 曼哈顿联合公司是一家专注于供应链和全渠道商务解决方案的企业,其报告的收益和盈利创纪录,以及RPO(很可能指的是预订量或订单量)同比增长29%,显示出以下几个方面的商业机会: 供应链管理服务: 随着市场对供应链优化和管理的需求强劲,中国的外贸公司可以提供专业的供应链解决方案,如物流规划、仓储管理、运输服务等。 全渠道商务解决方案: … Read more


国家研究基金会成立三年后,资金仍然十分匮乏。 Three years after setting up, National Research Foundation continues to be poorly funded 作者: M Ramesh Budget 2024-25 allocates only ₹2,000 crore to NRF, falling short of promised ₹50,000 crore for research development 2024-25年度预算仅为NRF分配了200亿卢比,低于承诺的用于研发的5000亿卢比。 Three years after Prime Minister Modi announced spending of 50,000 crore, spread over five years, on the newly-set-up National Research … Read more


农业与贸易:新西兰如何构建通往经济强国印度的桥梁 Agriculture and Trade: How NZ is building a bridge to economic powerhouse India 作者: Andrea Fox India and New Zealand are seeing good opportunities to work together. 印度和新西兰看到了双方合作的好机会。 The council has been urging New Zealand to see the relationship as two-way: it must offer India, which Fox describes as a very large and complicated … Read more